Friday, August 15, 2008

What a week!

Hi all!

What a week we've had. I got back from my retreat, feeling relaxed and energized, and that feeling is pretty much gone now. I realize that it is Friday, and that another weekend is here, but it's been a heck of a week.

On a positive note, my cousin Ricky and his wife Tiffany had their little boy on Wednesday. Steven Matthew was born in the early afternoon. Congratulations Ricky and Tiffany! I'm so excited for you both.

Thursday was a day from hell with Charlotte. She's so ... well.... three. She had a rough day yesterday, and it started in the morning and just continued throughout the day, until she went to bed last night. I fell into bed shortly after her, absolutely exhausted, mentally, physically and emotionally drained from being with her all day. It's days like that, when though I cherish being home with them and the opportunity that has been given to me to stay home, but it's days like that when I'm ready to go back to work. I know I'll have days like that at work too though, so I don't think I'm getting out of anything by escaping to work, but the endless whine has been getting on my nerves lately.

This morning, as I was sitting down to work a bit on my newsletter, the kids were playing with some benches (they're used as end tables, but are really more like barstools) and pushing them around the house. Well, somehow, I didn't see it, Joshua knocked one over on himself, and broke his big toe, nearly severing the tip of it off. Chris said that he could see the bone! (Gross!) We rushed him to the E.R., and they sewed it back on. He should heal perfectly, but we'll have to see. He's not one to wear socks/shoes (he will take his shoes off in the car), so this could be interesting with him having a bandage on his foot. We've got a sock on it right now, but we'll see how he does. I'm not sure what else to do for the poor little guy. He was pretty sad about it all, and screamed while they were numbing it to get the stitches, but as soon as they got it numb, he went to sleep and slept through that whole procedure. Talk about a blessing from God, that they didn't have to fight him over the whole deal. The student nurses were amazed. He goes to see a podiatrist on Monday, then next Saturday will have the stitches out. *sigh* this boy is going to kill me with his adventurous spirit. He's so, boy.

We are going to the State Fair tomorrow. I'm pretty excited about getting to go. It should be fun. Hot. But fun nonetheless. The Doodlebops are coming (for those of you with kids), so we'll see them, and explore all the other fun areas. Joshua is going to be a challenge I have a feeling, because he'll want to run and play, and I'm not sure he'll be able to. May have to come up with some sort of sandle/shoe thing for him. Hmmm... I'll have to think about that.

Anyway, I'll write more later. We see the podiatrist on Monday, so we'll know more after that. Love and hugs to everyone!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Wedding Pictures... so far...

I've been editing all morning, I still have a whole lot to go, but I figured I'd put some of these up to give you all a taste! Chris did a great job! I told him that he should start doing some side work and take a class or two to hone his skills! Enjoy!