Thursday, August 6, 2009

A Break in the Madness!

Okay, so it's not really madness around here, but I'm hoping that it will be in a couple of weeks. Really though, there hasn't been much going on, so I've been pretty quiet on here.

I'm in the middle of getting ready for everything to jump into overdrive. School starts for me on August 18th, school starts for subbing on August 17th (I'm praying for a long-term placement), MOPS starts the first week in September. Chris changes schedules again at the school on the 17th and has applied for a job at a different school and interviews for that on the 10th. So he may be changing schools in the midst of all of this as well.

The kids continue to plug along, growing and developing at a pace that exceeds my wildest dreams. Joshua is talking so much now. Tonight he told Chris, "No daddy, don't drink my milk!" It was perfectly clear and you can tell he's trying so hard to express himself with words. It's great fun! Charlotte is coming into her personality. She is so anxious to be the center of attention all of the time. It's maddening and hilarious at the same time. Sometimes I think she's not 4, but rather 14, because she says the strangest things, and has quite the attitude. She's convinced she is a princess, and that it's her birthday (still). I think I may be creating a monster! She's going to be quite the handful when she gets to her teenage years.

That's about all for now, I'll update more later. I have to go make ice cream!
