Monday, September 29, 2008

6 weeks?!?!?

It's been 6 weeks since I blogged last?!? What have I been doing?!? Answer: Life. Everything, and nothing all in the same time. I can't believe that much time has gone by without word from me! I'm so sorry.

Joshua's toe is almost healed. It looks much better, and the nail is growing back just fine. I'm so relieved and thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. He just got a hair cut last week and I think it changed him. He's grown up all of a sudden. Even "Gramma" Suzie (the childcare director at church) commented on how big he got all of a sudden. He's also started making all kinds of goofy faces. Cracks me up. He's great. I love this age.

Charlotte is officially a big girl now. She's potty trained!!!! We aren't quite to the overnight stage yet, but we are fully potty trained for the day. Yay!!! That cut my diaper bill in half! I'm so excited to be changing fewer diapers, but she has not gotten the concept of going all at once, so in the hour and 45 minute class today, we made three trips to the bathroom... ugh!

We started a school readiness program today. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet, we'll go another day this week, maybe Wednesday or Thursday. Joshua gets to go too and learn and play while the moms get to visit and help out. It is a parent co-op kind of thing, which is interesting, but we'll see how it goes. It was good to see a friend from my MOPS group there, so there was at least 1 familiar face.

Sandra and Bryan have moved in with us, until they find a place and get settled here. It's exciting to be so close to my niece and nephew, and great to really get to know Sandra and Bryan. When everyone else is in Utah, we would only see them for short times, so it's been great to have them here. Trying at times, but great none the less.

Chris is just getting over bronchitis. He started feeling sick Sunday of last week, and by Wednesday when he went to the doctor, he was diagnosed with bronchitis and the beginning stages of pneumonia. So, he was off all week pretty much since he took Part of Monday evening off, then all of Tuesday through Friday. By Thursday and Friday I was ready to send him back to work. I teased that it would be better for his health for him to go back to work rather than stay home :P

I'm finishing up my first set of classes for this semester. I have this week and next week, then I'm finished with this set. The next grouping I have 4 classes instead of 3, so it'll be a bit more work, but worth it in the end. Then I get to apply for my substitute credentials! I'm terrified and excited at the same time. We're looking at childcare options now for what to do with the kiddos while we're at work. I think right now we're considering finding a preschool/daycare setting 3 days per week and then one of us will be home the other two. We'll get it figured out, but daycare is pricey! We're looking at nearly 800 dollars per month for 3 days per week.

That's about all for now. Will write more soon. (I hope...)
