Tuesday, May 27, 2008

It's been nearly forever.

So it's been nearly forever since I last updated everyone on how things are going in our lives. So here's some updates.

The House: I had grand plans this past weekend to get lots and lots done around the house. Unfortunately God had a different plan and gave us a BEAUTIFUL weekend so I didn't want to get any housework done. We did finish the bathroom (okay, so we still need to caulk the trim and touch up the ceiling). So I can put a done stamp on that one. I've painted the trim in the dining room, but that's about it as far as work on the house goes. I'm frustrated that it's taking so long, but at the same time I want to spend time with my husband when he's home that is not painting or working on the house. Hmmm... guess I'll have to get over that one, or we're never going to get anything done on this place.

We got a kitten! She is super cute and her name is Lina. We have a sort of tradition in our family (thanks Joe!) to name our cats something that begins with the word cat. Joe began it all with Strophic (Catastrophic) and we continued it with Maran (Catamaran) who now lives with my parents, and now we've continued the journey with Lina (Catalina). I was also thinking Clysmic (cataclysmic... you get the idea) but couldn't see my self yelling it when she did something bad. Lina just sounds so much more girly and somewhat normal. (Why am I worried about normal cat names?) I'll post pictures of her one of these days. She's quite the fluffball.

Charlotte: Charlotte will be three in three weeks. She is talking so much more and you can actually understand a lot more now. I"m continually amazed that God is so gracious, and despite her difficult beginning, he has blessed us with a perfectly normal child who is so full of life and spunk. Truly amazing to think of her journey into the world so early and how she struggled for breath on her first days here, now we can't get her to sit down for five minutes. I'm continually humbled by it all.

Joshua: Joshua is working on catching up with his big sister in everything she does. He's so confident and fearless. He was standing on the top of the stepladder we have (it's only two steps, quit freaking out!) and trying to jump up and down. When I told him to get down because he may fall he shook his head at me and told me no! Then a bit later he came out of the hallway with Lina in arms upside down and being squished. Poor kitty. (I'm waiting for Charlotte to put her in the baby stroller and take her "baby" for a walk.) He cracks me up, and is so fond of eating it's not funny. Don't mess with that boy and his food.

Chris: works so hard for this family. I am so proud of him and all that he does. I am so fortunate that he is willing to work so hard for me to be able to go to school and stay home. I keep reminding myself that I need to work hard to make him proud and so that I can get finished so that he can stay home more. After I get my substitute credential, he can quit working for A-1 in the mornings to stay home with the kids while I'm working. Thank you Chris for being the Godly man that you are and I pray that you will be blessed by Him in your work. He has also taken on repairing computers lately. Last year (in 2007) I bought my laptop with our tax return, with the promise that Chris could build his the following year. So all year, he spent hours (and I do mean hours) researching parts and products and all the stuff that goes with it. Finally, we got our tax return this year and he built his computer. I was so looking forward to not having to hear about this part or that program. While we were waiting for it to ship and arrive my laptop died, and after figuring out that he couldn't fix it (it was a motherboard problem under warranty and recall) he sent it out for repair. Fast forward a month or so, laptop is back, new computer is put together and my laptop cord won't work anymore. Here comes the part research again. So part ordered, laptop fixed. Fast forward about another month or so and my parents computer dies. Meanwhile Chris has been working with my dad on several of his computer projects, and casually mentions to my parents that he could build them a better computer than they could get from Wal-Mart for about the same price. So here goes the research again... ugh! Anyway, now that's been bought, put together and he's also worked on Joe's computer and is currently sitting next to me trying to put my laptop together again. (He took it apart about two weeks ago because the cord stopped working again... and now he can't remember for sure how it goes back together :P LOL)

My turn? I finished up the spring semester with Liberty. I registered for some summer classes online and a tv class at Yuba College (so much cheaper than LU, when I don't have financial aid to pay for the classes). I am enjoying a few weeks off between them and yet I'm excited to get back so that I can work some more on getting it all done. I applied for a position with Sutter County Schools last week. There are two part time positions open that have flexible schedules (they're only 10 and 12.5 hours per week) and I hope to hear from them soon. I am no longer watching the Lee kids in the mornings which has been nice to only have my two kids, but it is kind of stressful financially. I am confident though that God won't leave us stranded financially. He has blessed us so much with this house and the things we have to take them away. (Not that he couldn't if it was his plan).
Now that I've written a novel, I'm going to close this post. I will post pictures of the new kitty this week (hopefully) and will write more later.

God Bless!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Not much to report, we're slowly getting a little more settled in each and every day. We're almost done with the bathroom (just need another coat of paint and trim work). I can't wait to be able to put a done stamp (even if it is just a virtual one) on one of the projects around here.

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day. Mine was nice. I got to spend time with the family and the kids were in a really good mood for most of the day. (yeah!) We got our rebate check from the IRS on Friday, then Saturday we got our deposit back from the apartment, so we were able to get a desk for my laptop for the playroom (so that Joshua doesn't keep throwing it off the couch, damaging it even more), a new office chair for both of us, and a couple other little things, as well as do some general shopping, fill up my gas tank, and put some money aside for savings. Plus we still have quite a bit to fund all the stuff in June (birthdays, father's day, etc.) Overall it was a really nice weekend, and we got quite a bit done too.

Not much new to report other than that, Joshua has been diagnosed with the early stages of asthma (his doctor doesn't want to call it that yet because he's so young, we'll see if he grows out of this "reactive airway" issue that he's been having) until then, he's on a nebulizer with one medicine twice daily, and another every 4-6 hours as needed. Plus he gave him claritin to help clear him up and a nasal spray as well. Poor little guy. I feel so bad for him when he gets upset and gets into one of his coughing fits. I know how he feels and it's miserable.

Charlotte is getting smarter and more aware every day. I'm so proud of all that she's learning. She can almost get herself completely dressed (we're working on it) and is getting a little closer to potty training. I think we're going to start really working with her on it soon though. Fun! I'm looking for princess underwear for her, (I've found some, they just didn't have her size), since she likes Cinderella so much I figured that may push her to wear her Cinderella big girl underwear.

That's about all from here. Have a great week! I'll write again when I have more news to share, or I think it's been too long since I wrote last!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

News from the Homefront:

What a weird week and a half we've had. It's just been busy and different things have happened. Friday afternoon while at Wal-Mart as I was backing out of my parking spot, some girl hit my car, so I've had to deal with that. There's not a lot of damage, mostly just a couple scratches on mine and she broke her taillight and has a dent and some scratches in her bumper. Poor girl was scared to death though, then it really didn't help that I had the kids with me in the car. Poor thing almost passed out when I opened up the back van doors to check on the kids. Everyone is fine, but now it's just the pain of dealing with it. Oops, I was supposed to go get it looked at today and forgot... maybe later if I get myself and the kids together in the next hour.

I've had a tooth bothering me for a couple weeks now, but being that I don't have insurance I thought it would go away, well, since it didn't I needed to get it taken care of, so 4 1/2 hours later, almost 300 dollars broke-r, I'm now one tooth less. That's a whole nother story that I'll go into later if you ask about it. Pretty frustrating to have an appointment at 12:45 and not be out of the office until 5:15. Ugh.

I did find out on Monday that I passed my CBEST test. So, as long as I continue to pass all of my classes, I should be able to start substitute teaching next spring. They scale the scores from a 20 - 80 and I scored 70 in both my reading and math and 75 in my writing. I'm pretty proud of myself for that. Not that it was a hard test, but just getting through it the first try and not having to re-do any of it is nice.

Joshua has taken to getting up before the sun recently. I have no idea why he wants up at 6 or 6:30, but he's decided that's his new wake up time. Any suggestions on how to get him to sleep longer? It's difficult to let the other kids sleep when he wants to trample over them and play. Not to mention I'd still like to sleep at that hour.

Monday morning our friends Karyn and Rich finalized the adoption of their sweet little boy Zack. We're so excited for them, and sad that we couldn't have been there to watch, but they know our prayers were with them as they have been all along. Congrats again guys!

We finally finished painting the bath part of the bathroom. I really like it. It's a milk-chocolate brown color (kind of) with white trim. I really like it and I'm excited to see progress in the house. Painting stinks, but it's nice when it's all done. We'll start on the other portion of the bathroom and hopefully get it done this weekend. I'd like to have one room done.

Saturday we help my parents move. I'm so excited for them! Yay for bigger spaces! That's about all for here, I'll write more later. I'm going to go take pictures of the bathroom and I'll post them in a bit.