Monday, May 12, 2008

Not much to report, we're slowly getting a little more settled in each and every day. We're almost done with the bathroom (just need another coat of paint and trim work). I can't wait to be able to put a done stamp (even if it is just a virtual one) on one of the projects around here.

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day. Mine was nice. I got to spend time with the family and the kids were in a really good mood for most of the day. (yeah!) We got our rebate check from the IRS on Friday, then Saturday we got our deposit back from the apartment, so we were able to get a desk for my laptop for the playroom (so that Joshua doesn't keep throwing it off the couch, damaging it even more), a new office chair for both of us, and a couple other little things, as well as do some general shopping, fill up my gas tank, and put some money aside for savings. Plus we still have quite a bit to fund all the stuff in June (birthdays, father's day, etc.) Overall it was a really nice weekend, and we got quite a bit done too.

Not much new to report other than that, Joshua has been diagnosed with the early stages of asthma (his doctor doesn't want to call it that yet because he's so young, we'll see if he grows out of this "reactive airway" issue that he's been having) until then, he's on a nebulizer with one medicine twice daily, and another every 4-6 hours as needed. Plus he gave him claritin to help clear him up and a nasal spray as well. Poor little guy. I feel so bad for him when he gets upset and gets into one of his coughing fits. I know how he feels and it's miserable.

Charlotte is getting smarter and more aware every day. I'm so proud of all that she's learning. She can almost get herself completely dressed (we're working on it) and is getting a little closer to potty training. I think we're going to start really working with her on it soon though. Fun! I'm looking for princess underwear for her, (I've found some, they just didn't have her size), since she likes Cinderella so much I figured that may push her to wear her Cinderella big girl underwear.

That's about all from here. Have a great week! I'll write again when I have more news to share, or I think it's been too long since I wrote last!

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