Saturday, December 6, 2008

Reflections on Mary...

December. Cold. Damp. Still. Quiet. Yet, in it all, there is a celebration being prepared in Heaven. The angels are preparing for the Messiah's birth. The promised one.
A 14 year old girl has been chosen to carry the Christ-child. How scared she must have been, yet so full of wonder and hope as well. I was 24 when I had my daughter, and I know how scared I was, I can't imagine being 10 years younger, and having God's Son.

As I sit here now, in my bed, snuggled up in a heated house, I think about Mary traveling on the back of a donkey, 9 months pregnant. I never made it that far with either of my kids, yet I know how miserable those last weeks can be in the comforts of the modern ages, let alone 2000 years ago. Was it cold? Was she having labor pains the whole time she was walking to Bethlehem? Was she excited? Scared? Confident? Confused? Lonely? At peace?

I remember being pregnant with Joshua this time of year and found myself fascinated with Mary. I tried to imagine what she must have been going through feeling the child inside of her as she traveled to Bethlehem. Was she uncomfortable? Or did God spare her that? What was Jesus like to raise? Ha, I imagine he was the quintessential "perfect child" in that he was fully God. The Bible says that he never sinned, and was a pure and spotless lamb. I wonder if that means he never threw his food on the floor, or stayed up half of the night and then was cranky in the morning?

I think I'm going to have to find a study on Mary over the next few weeks. I'm in awe of her strength and faith. To be 14, betrothed, and to know that the child she carried was the Christ-child, yet also know she could be stoned to death for being pregnant before she had been in the marriage bed with her husband. I desire for my heart to beat the same way. To say "Lord, I'm here" whenever He calls for whatever He wants.

May God be with you all this Christmas season. Know that I am praying for each of you to find Him and to be in His will this Christmas. Please join me in welcoming Jesus this Christmas, into your home, into your heart and into every part of your being. Know that He loves you, and desires to become intimate with you.

God Bless You!


Soul Focus Photography said...

that is amazing heidi.
great read

Blue Sunshine said...

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