Monday, March 16, 2009

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Alright, since I haven't done this in awhile and it is oh so much fun to air the things that I didn't do... grab a cup of something and a seat and enjoy the show.

Okay, I most certainly did not put off doing my math homework for 3 weeks, until the last possible day that it could be turned in, completely eating up the 1 week extension that was given to everyone because some people were having trouble submitting things.

I did not print out my graduation application for LU this week! And of course, I did not check my degree completion plan like 10 times making sure that I didn't miss something or they didn't change something... because, of course, they would be making changes to my file at 11pm our time (2 am Eastern Time).

I did not just put Charlotte in bed with me this morning to get a few more minutes of sleep while she "read" in bed with me and then finally get out of bed about an hour and a half later. (I really was not sleeping the whole time, we read books and talked about letters and such)

Of course, if I did do that, I absolutely would not blog about it.

I did not sign up Charlotte and Joshua for preschool today starting on Wednesday despite the fact that I currently have no work scheduled for the rest of this week, and honestly contemplate not taking a job and sending them to preschool anyway, just so that I can get some things done around the house and homework!

I also did not put Barney in the movie player tonight instead of putting the kids to bed, just so I could catch up on MckMama's blogs and her Not Me Monday posts.

I'm sure there are hundreds of other moments that I could blog about, but they are escaping me right now. I hope you enjoyed the show! Have a great week!

Monday, March 9, 2009

News on the Homefront...

It's been quite awhile since I blogged and I thought that I'd update you all if you still read this as to what is going on in our lives.

I'll start with myself, since most of the rest of everybody's news revolves around changes in me. I have completed the process to start substitute teaching. I actually had my first subbing job last Tuesday and have worked every day but today since then. I was scheduled to work today, but started feeling ill last night and it continued throughout the night so I called in sick this morning. I have loved it so far. It's been great experience and I am learning a lot about classroom management and keeping kids busy :) So far so good though. I also am finishing up my coursework for my Bachelor's degree. I have four courses I'm finishing this semester, and then 3 that I am taking during the summer. I actually just printed out my "Graduation Application" tonight and filled it out to submit in the next couple of weeks! I will be adding a second major to my degree meaning that I will have a Bachelor of Science degree in both Education and Psychology. I am so thrilled. I have also started researching different options for my credential program. Because of the current education crisis in California, the original plan of me going into a district intern program is not a good idea. I can't foresee school districts hiring a non-credentialed teacher when they are laying off teachers. In the meantime, I will work on getting my teaching credential and substitute teaching where and when I can, gaining experience and networking with schools, increasing my chances of getting hired when I am able to be.
All of that being said, Chris is changing his work hours to 4 days a week at A-1, and the other day he'll be at home with the kids in the morning. We will then have my dad stay with them for the couple hours in the afternoon. I will be working 4 days a week also, having a different day off so that I can finish up my year as the MOPS Co-Coordinator and then also taking care of the other things that pop up in life, (i.e., doctor's appointments, dentist appointments, school stuff, etc.). The rest of the week the kids will be starting preschool in the next few weeks. I am excited for them and they are excited about it. We have found a local christian preschool that is affordable and has open spaces for younger kids. Thankfully they are working with us on taking Joshua since he is not potty trained. They prefer to have them potty trained, but are making exceptions for us. We have been so blessed to have found this preschool and that there are spaces available.
We went to San Francisco a couple of weekends ago. It was a last minute trip down there to visit with Chris' grandparents and to get out of the house for awhile. We ended up going to the Aquarium of the Bay and had a blast. The kids really liked seeing all of the different fish and sharks and such. They got to touch a bat ray (like a sting ray) a leopard shark and some starfish and urchins. There was one bat ray that just kept swimming in circles up near the top of the water so that we could pet it. The kids were troopers through the whole day despite not getting a nap. Toward the end of the day Joshua started getting ornery but wasn't horrible.
Joshua and Charlotte peeking in the peepholes before going into the Aquarium of the Bay.One of the Bat Rays that we got to pet later on the tour.The Leopard Shark that Charlotte got to pet.Joshua "smelling" the flowers... or eating them... not sure which. :)Looking at the Sea Lions out on the pier.

My grandma is coming into town next weekend and I am over-the-moon excited about it! It has been about 2 years since she's been here and we miss her so much. I grew up with her around the corner from our house and I sure miss her now that she's down in Mexico. The last time she was here, Joshua was only 4 months old and Charlotte wasn't quite 2 yet. They both have grown up so much in that two years. My mom and I can't wait for her to see them and get to know them a little more. We have been telling Charlotte about it for a couple of weeks and she is excited too. She'll ask me periodically, "When is great Grammy coming??? Grammy's mommy. Grammy is mommy's mommy." She is too funny. We miss you Grandma and can't wait to see you!

That's about it for now. I'll write more later. I know I keep promising to write sooner, but life gets in the way. I'll try and write again soon!

Heidi and the rest of the Ramey Family!