Sunday, July 12, 2009

For those who complain...

I know. I know. I KNOW!!! I haven't updated in forever. I'm sorry. Been a little busy. But you should know that.

The last month has been an amazing whirlwind of activity and excitement, and I'm finally sitting down to blog about it.

I think the two biggest announcements are that I passed my CSET, all three sections!!! Thanks for all of your supportive encouragement you all shared. The second big announcement is that I'm finished with school. For now. I finished up my Bachelor's of Science degree in Education on the 6th of July. I finished my last final that day and am waiting anxiously for the degree conferral and my degree to come in the mail. I'm super excited about it, and am pretty sure that I'm graduating with honors. :) We had a get together at my parents to celebrate and had some great friends come by to say Hi!

The week after our birthdays, I had the opportunity to go to Houseboat camp with our youth group. It was an amazing week, and we had a great group of kids. I lived with 10 teenage girls for a week and never once saw an eye-roll. If you have or know teenage girls, you know how amazing that is. I was able to see some great friends get baptized and saw God work in the kids and in the staff as well. I managed to not get too sunburned (that week), and a great time was had by all.

Charlotte and Joshua's last day of preschool for the summer is tomorrow. With me not working and not having school work to do we really can't justify the expense. I know I'm sad for them (and for myself) and I know they'll miss their teachers, but they'll go back in a few weeks, once school starts back up and I'm subbing again!

We're hoping to go out of town for the weekend in a couple of weeks. We'll see how finances are and if we have the time and can get away. Chris and I haven't done anything as a couple away from the kids for an overnight since before Charlotte was born, and it's about time to get away. I know I could use the refresher, and I'm sure that Chris could as well.

I start back to school in August, for my credential program. This will be done here in town instead of online, so I'm trying to get that worked out and will have to get used to being in a classroom instead of able to do my work anytime I want. I'm excited to get that started and finished, though the current state of affairs in California leaves much to be desired for incoming school teachers. I'm guessing my class will be small... I don't know that there will be many people getting into teaching this year. It's not a pretty picture. I trust that God will provide though and we'll figure it out when that time comes. In the meantime, I'm still applying for jobs, hoping to get an internship, though it's unlikely. God knows what He is doing, and I'm trusting that.

Praying for you all.


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