Sunday, November 8, 2009

Okay, Where did October go?

Who stole October? It's November already, and almost a third of the way through it! Ugh!

I've been taking things one day at a time lately, as it seems that's the only way I can do things and still focus on what I need to be focusing on. (And even that isn't accurate... I'm supposed to be doing homework right now...)

We had a great Halloween. Charlotte was Cinderella, and Joshua was a rock star. It was decided at the last minute that is what he would be. We tossed around several options and that's what we finally came up with, by default actually. He was originally going to be "daddy" for Halloween, because that's what he said he wanted. So I had this idea that I would get him a shirt, and embroider "daddy" on it, put him in some jeans, find a broom and one of those trash recepticle things on a stick (I know you know what I mean!) and then he'd be on his way. Only I couldn't find the trash thing... :( I was bummed. I did find this really cool guitar though and a cool shirt, so we put our microphone headset for the computer on him and his guitar, cowboy hat, boots and a cool pair of jeans, spiked his hair and called it good! Charlotte's dress from her birthday served as her Halloween costume (that was planned back in June when I made it originally), and off we went to the Harvest Festival/Trunk or Treat at the church. My mom went with us and we had a great time. It was a little chaotic, because there were about 3000 people there (throughout the night, but probably 1500 or so when we were there), but we managed. I refuse to go to that thing by myself. Hopefully next year Chris will be working days and he can go with us!

We also went to Bishops Pumpkin farm a week before Halloween and had a blast. The kids really enjoyed playing in the hay, petting the animals, sitting on large pumpkins, and riding the train. We stayed away from some of the more child-popular activities since it was pretty crowded by the time we were getting ready to go, but enjoyed ourselves nonetheless.

Chris and I were able to attend a David Crowder Band concert in Sacramento with an amazing group of friends. I am so lucky to serve on a youth staff with some great people, and most of us were able to attend the show. It was a ton of fun, and DCB puts on a great show. Thanks to my friend who bought my ticket as I was originally just going to send Chris. Can I share again how great my friends are?!?

School is going well for me. I'm in the middle of probably my toughest term this year. I'm taking 3 graduate level courses right now at the same time which has me quite busy. I am focusing on one day at a time right now, between school, family, work, ministries, sleep, my house, etc. God is doing amazing things though and I'm privileged to be a part of it all.

We've started a Biggest Loser Challenge with a group of friends and family. I'm excited to say that in four weeks (we weigh in for week 5 tomorrow) the group of us has lost nearly 200 pounds!!! That's AMAZING! My husband has been working out and has lost an incredible 31.2 pounds so far (not including what he's lost this week!). I'm so proud of him and he's looking great. I've not lost that much. I have lost about 10 pounds though, which is my goal for each month between now and next summer. I'm going to try and step it up a little bit more though and try and lose more. I'm so proud of this group. We're continuing until the first of the year and then we'll probably open up a new challenge for those that want to continue. It's a great motivator, and the extra support is always nice for encouragement and resources.

Alright, I've got to get back to my homework. I just wanted to pop in and let you know that we're still here and going along. There's not that much exciting to blog about, though I've been feeling the need for awhile. Perhaps when life slows down :P LOL.

Love you all!

Heidi, Chris, Charlotte and Joshua

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