Thursday, May 1, 2008

News from the Homefront:

What a weird week and a half we've had. It's just been busy and different things have happened. Friday afternoon while at Wal-Mart as I was backing out of my parking spot, some girl hit my car, so I've had to deal with that. There's not a lot of damage, mostly just a couple scratches on mine and she broke her taillight and has a dent and some scratches in her bumper. Poor girl was scared to death though, then it really didn't help that I had the kids with me in the car. Poor thing almost passed out when I opened up the back van doors to check on the kids. Everyone is fine, but now it's just the pain of dealing with it. Oops, I was supposed to go get it looked at today and forgot... maybe later if I get myself and the kids together in the next hour.

I've had a tooth bothering me for a couple weeks now, but being that I don't have insurance I thought it would go away, well, since it didn't I needed to get it taken care of, so 4 1/2 hours later, almost 300 dollars broke-r, I'm now one tooth less. That's a whole nother story that I'll go into later if you ask about it. Pretty frustrating to have an appointment at 12:45 and not be out of the office until 5:15. Ugh.

I did find out on Monday that I passed my CBEST test. So, as long as I continue to pass all of my classes, I should be able to start substitute teaching next spring. They scale the scores from a 20 - 80 and I scored 70 in both my reading and math and 75 in my writing. I'm pretty proud of myself for that. Not that it was a hard test, but just getting through it the first try and not having to re-do any of it is nice.

Joshua has taken to getting up before the sun recently. I have no idea why he wants up at 6 or 6:30, but he's decided that's his new wake up time. Any suggestions on how to get him to sleep longer? It's difficult to let the other kids sleep when he wants to trample over them and play. Not to mention I'd still like to sleep at that hour.

Monday morning our friends Karyn and Rich finalized the adoption of their sweet little boy Zack. We're so excited for them, and sad that we couldn't have been there to watch, but they know our prayers were with them as they have been all along. Congrats again guys!

We finally finished painting the bath part of the bathroom. I really like it. It's a milk-chocolate brown color (kind of) with white trim. I really like it and I'm excited to see progress in the house. Painting stinks, but it's nice when it's all done. We'll start on the other portion of the bathroom and hopefully get it done this weekend. I'd like to have one room done.

Saturday we help my parents move. I'm so excited for them! Yay for bigger spaces! That's about all for here, I'll write more later. I'm going to go take pictures of the bathroom and I'll post them in a bit.


Anonymous said...

Hi there,
so glad to finally see another blog from you. Congratulations on passing you test with such wonderful scores....Your old gram is proud of you and what you are doing to get your teaching papers!! Glad you are all ok and no one was hurt in the car crunch. Your place looks great and I'm glad you are all moved now and setteling (sp?) in. Now to get your mom moved this weekend. I haven't heard from her in so long I am starting to get "Lori withdrawl"! Hugs to you and Chris and hugs and kisses to the little ones.....I miss all of you so very much.

Rich and Karyn Speakman said...

I'm so proud of you for passing your test!!! Good job! I totally understand that you couldn't be there on Monday - - no worries. I can't wait to see that new house of yours!