Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Busy Bees

Even though my kids aren't in school, I'm finding that we are increasingly busy now that school is out. I have no idea how it's possible, but as evidenced by my lack of posting lately, we've been full of activities.

I registered for my classes in the last hour, for the fall semester. I will be taking 2 psychology classes (Psychology of Adolescence, and The Exceptional Child) and 4 education classes (2 Instructional Practices classes, one for math and one for reading, and a classroom management class, and a educational philosophy class). I'm actually really looking forward to it. It'll be nice to get classes that are beneficial to my degree and should be really interesting. I figured I should take the classroom management and instructional practices classes before I start substitute teaching in the spring. Perhaps it'll help me be a better substitute teacher, so that I won't have those nightmare classes.

Chris has changed his schedule around a bit. Since many of the guys at the school district wanted to work in the mornings, Chris had to go along with it. They wouldn't let him and another guy work their normal shift. So he is working from 6:00 - 2:30 at the school then from 3:00 - about 7:00 at A-1. It means that he is home earlier, but he's gone all day, without a break in between like he had been getting. About the time we get used to this new schedule he's going to have to go back when school starts again to the working evenings for the school and not getting home until 10:30. We'll figure it out though.

Charlotte's birthday is Saturday. I can't believe that 3 years ago was my baby shower and little did I know that my daughter would be here 3 days later. I've been thinking hard about those hours, days and weeks shortly after her birth, and how hard they were, going back and forth to Sacramento daily, and sometimes a couple times per day. (Thank God gas was cheaper then!) I knew she was in the best place she could be, but it was so unnatural to have a baby and have to leave her behind while you went home. I remember crying the entire way home from Sacramento, and those difficult rides to and from. I am so thankful for the people who were able to help drive back and forth and came to visit during that time. You truly were a blessing to us, more than you know. I am so thankful that the Lord gave us Kerri as Charlotte's nurse the night she was born. My best friend Kati's sister had just recently gotten a job in the NICU at Mercy San Juan, and little did we know that she would be the one who would welcome and hold Charlotte before we would. Thank you Lord that your hand was in that even when we were sure we wouldn't need the NICU, or see Kerri. Lots of memories, of great nurses, laughs at our sweet girl and the joy she brought the nurses, lots of tears shed each time I thought too much or had to leave, worries that something would go wrong, and excitement for each hurdle she cleared. I'm so proud of her each day, and amazed at how she is continuing to defy the "premature baby" status that was given to her because she was born early. I'm happy to report that she's meeting and exceeding the developmental goals for children her age, and though she may be short (hello? Seen her mommy?), she's on track physically as well. Take that brain bleed! You may have scared me 2 days after she was born, but you don't scare me now! My God is bigger! Thank you Lord for your wisdom and guidance as I raise this daughter you've given me. I pray that you will continue to guide me and give me patience as she is strong willed and stubborn. Thank you for the spunk and life you've given her spirit and may she take those gifts you've given her and use them for Your glory!

Joshua is starting to talk more and more. He's got 6 official teeth now! Woo!!! He's almost 18 months old already! Where'd my baby go? He's rough and tumble, full of life, all boy, and such a sweet cuddler when he's tired. He gives me big hugs, tells me he loves me and loves to give slobbery kisses. He knows what he wants, and will do what he can to get it, whether charm the pants off of you, or will throw a full on throw himself on the ground temper tantrum.

That's about all from this end. I'll post more later. We finally got the living room and dining room painted. So I'll try and get pictures tomorrow. I know I've been promising them forever, perhaps I'll do it this time :P


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