Monday, November 17, 2008

Not Me Monday

This is my first Not Me Monday! I came across this idea at MckMomma's blog and I love it. You can check it out by clicking on the button above. ('m hoping this works!)

So here it is. I did not do these things! You can't make me own up to them!

I did not have rice krispy treats for dinner last night since we had a bible study and were not frantically trying to clean house enough so that people would not see how messy it gets.

I did not put on a movie this morning because I wasn't ready to get up with the kids, so I absolutely did not snooze on the couch with them watching the movie!

I did not put off homework again this week, to the weekend, knowing full well it is due Sunday night, then panic because I was running out of time!

I did not cry this morning when I realized that on top of the cold I have, I am now on my period too! (Blah!)

I totally did not just admit that I'm on my period for the whole internet world to read!

I was not secretly glad that none of our regulars were here for bible study last night. I love you all, but I felt like junk!

That's about all my "Not Me's" for today. I'll post more later if I can come up with them. This is fun and I love reading some of the ones out there that you can find on MckMomma's blog!

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