Saturday, January 26, 2008

Back to the middle of the night blogs...

So I had to blog and get my frustration out... I just finished my test for my math class and found 2 errors in the stinking test. In one of my quizzes for the sections I found another error. I would think that a textbook and software package manufacturer would have correct answers to their own problems. I hate that I am a student who is finding these errors, and having to point them out to my instructor. Why am I paying 250 dollars for a class that I have to correct myself?!? Ugh! And this was only the first chapter. *sigh* maybe it will get better in other chapters?

Other than that not much going on around here, Joshua's appointment went well yesterday. He's 24.5 pounds (85th percentile for weight) and 30 1/4 inches long (66th percentile for height). The visiting doctor (his doc is out of town for the month) said he's "healthy, healthy, healthy!" He seems to be developmentally on track despite being a month early, and we go back again in 2 months for another checkup. Yay for big healthy babies!

Well, I'm going to go to bed now. I think I will be able to get some sleep, my eyelids are feeling droopy. Thanks for putting up with my rant, and caring enough to read this. Know that we love you and are praying for you.

Lord, thank You for the wisdom in my math class. Thank You for giving me the knowledge to receive a good score on my test despite the errors in the program. Please give the instructor wisdom and understanding, and help her to know where to turn to for answers on their end. Lord help my attitude towards this class improve, since I'm finding frustration with the problems I've experienced so far. Help me to continue to learn and grow from the experience. Thank You also for keeping us all safe despite the wet weather. Please continue to be with those that travel in it, and those who are away from here, I pray will be safe wherever they are. Thank You for Your love and patience when we continue to mess things up. I pray that everyone who reads this will blog will be blessed by it, even when I just come to vent. Thank You for friends and family that are willing to listen. In Jesus' holy name. Amen.

P.S. - Mom and Joe we're proud of you, and hope that you will join us either tonight or tomorrow for services. We love you! Thanks for making my day yesterday!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

An Evening Blog

An evening blog?!? What? Not a middle of the night, Heidi can't sleep so she's up blogging blog? What is the world coming to?

Okay, so I have to admit, I started this blog yesterday and hit a wall. I don't want to keep repeating the same things that I said in the last blogs over and over again. So I decided to sleep on it and that I would blog more today. So this morning I was working on my newsletter for MOPS and got busy doing something else (I think it was when TJ and Brianna left) and my computer went to sleep. I came back to it about 10 minutes later and tried to wake it up. Nothing happpened. So I tried again. Still nothing. So I went to restart it, and nothing. It would start to power up and the lights would come on the keyboard for a second, then go right back off. I had Chris look it over and he couldn't figure it out so I called tech support. They walked me through a couple things and then advised me of an apparent recall (we got a notice on it a few months ago, but I wasn't having any problems so we ignored the recall) where they have to replace the motherboard of the computer!!!! So I have to ship my computer to HP (they pay for the shipping) and have them replace the motherboard and ship it back to me. They say it's a 7-9 day turnaround (I am thinking this doesn't include shipping... I hope it does), so I won't have my computer for a couple weeks. In the meantime, my dad has been gracious enough to let me borrow his laptop, so that I can do my homework. We're going to try and fix the old HP (the desktop we had that we passed on to my dad before he bought his laptop) and then we can give him his laptop back. Am I making any sense? Anyway, to make a long story short... bye bye all the work I did on my newsletter (or a late newsletter), bye bye computer temporarily, hello different laptop... temporarily, and frustration for me. Ugh, oh well, at least I have something that I can do my schoolwork, e-mail, blogging on.
Joshua has a doctor's appointment tomorrow. It's just his 12 month physical, so nothing really to worry about, at least I hope not. I think he will get some shots, which generally don't make him happy, but he's not too bad. He's getting huge. I will update tomorrow on how big he is. I'm sure we'll all be blown away by how big he is. I think he's right around 25-26 pounds, and I have no idea how tall he is. Crazy boy is going to be a linebacker for sure!
Other than that, there's not much going on here. We're finally all over the cold thing that we kept sharing, so we're all feeling better, now let's hope it stays that way. We are looking forward to our time off in March, I told Kim this morning that I won't be here for those days, and Chris has them scheduled off through both jobs. Woo!!! Vacation is coming!
That's about it on this end. I hope this message finds everyone well and blessed. May the God of the universe shine brightly into your day tomorrow and throughout your weekend.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Gray Lodge Trip

My parents invited us to go to Gray Lodge with them on Saturday so we piled into the car and headed out. While there weren't as many ducks as there were last year, we still had fun getting out in the fresh air and stretching our legs for awhile. Thought I'd share some more recent photos of the kids too.

Joshua sweeping my kitchen for me on Friday night... he pulled all of the stuff out of the drawer/side of the fridge and then was trying to sweep...

Hey dad! What's up?

Charlotte in the car on the way there.

My mom and Charlotte walking back from the lookout point.

A duck in the reeds. I figured you all wanted to see at least one duck from Greylodge.

Joshua poopled out on the way home. Sleep and food are two things that we don't mess with with this boy. He was so out of it. Poor little guy.

After our trip we came home and Great grandma and Great grandpa Ramey came over. The kids took a quick nap and then we headed for dinner. Dinner with the kids is always an experience. While they aren't bad, they're just messy and loud. It keeps us on our toes when we go out with them. We had fun though, and it was nice to see the grandparents. While the kids are slow to warm up sometimes, after awhile they love playing with grandma and grandpa, and we love getting to see them.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Tonight I'm feeling reflective. I think back to a year ago, Joshua was only a few weeks old, we had just moved into this apartment after staying with the Richardson's for nearly two weeks when the whole house thing fell through, and Chris was working full time at A-1. He had put in job applications at the school district, but nothing had come through. Within about a week after moving in he received a phone call from the district with an interview. That would turn into a job offer, Joshua would be hospitalized with a kidney infection, and he would start the new job in a span of about 3 weeks. I am feeling so blessed to look back and reflect on where we've come in the last year. Yeah, there have been tough times, and there have been times where we struggled, but overall we came through it, and now we are so much better off for it. We've seen lots of babies born this past year, (we're still waiting for one in Utah that still needs to stay put for a few more weeks), made new friends, strengthened and pruned some old relationships, changed jobs, worked more, worked less, laughed more, cried less (most of us anyway). I am so thankful for being a part of the things we shared with family and friends this past year. It continually amazes me what wonderful, caring, thoughtful, creative, passionate friends and family we share. I only hope that someday I will grow up and be more like each and every one of them.
Lord, thank you for placing the people in our path that you've placed. I pray that each of them would be blessed abundantly this year and that they would continue to thrive and seek You. Please let me be what you would want me to be for them, and let them trust that whatever they need from us, that we would be able to provide it. Thank You again for blessing us so richly.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

I have no idea what to title this...

So here I am with my middle of the night blogging again... I slept all day because of this silly cold, and now I can't sleep. Ugh... oh well. I got a lot of schoolwork done. I finished all of my tutorials, homework, and quizzes for my math class. So far.... 100% in that class! Woo! Now I just have to take the Chapter 1 test by the 3rd of February (yes... three weeks from now...) and I'll be set for the first module. However, I think I'm going to take it early if I can get the password from the instructor... that way I can focus on my other three classes for a few weeks. We'll see though...

I had to bow out of the church drama thing for the elementary kids that we were doing. We had been doing the skits for the kids church on a weekly basis, and between Chris working so much and I got a lot more schoolwork than I expected, plus the kids and everything else, something had to go. So we spoke with Pastor Tad (or Chris called him today while I was snoozing) and we apologized for not being able to do it. I knew I'd have a lot of work, but didn't know it would be this much... so for now we're taking a break. We'll see how it goes.

I think we've decided that we're going out to Utah in mid-late March to visit the family out there. I think we're going to leave the evening of the 21st and drive through the night so the kids will sleep. I think we'll stay until Wednesday and come back either Wednesday day, or Wednesday night. Haven't confirmed that yet though with Chris' work schedule. He did speak with his boss about taking the time off and he was told that he's the first person to ask, so all he has to do is fill out a time request form and if he has the time off available (his vacation time) then he can have the time. Soo.... it doesn't look like that will be too much of a problem. And since we'll have our tax return by then (hopefully) that shouldn't be a problem either! Wooo!!! A vacation? What is that? So... that would be....

Yay! That worked!

Well, I'm feeling a little sleepy now (it helps that I took some NyQuill)... My God bless you all as you go through the rest of your weekend and we will see you soon!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Life...or something like it....

Ahhh... life has settled into its normal routine. I start back to school on Monday (my coursework is supposed to be up later today, and I can get started on it early, which I plan to do), Chris is back to regular schedule at work, the Lee kids are back in the mornings, and I'm back to being mommy for the vast majority of the day. I'm not complaining though, I love it. While I do miss Chris not being home as much, I love that I can stay home with the kids and finish my degree.

So I found out that I will be able to get my substitute credential in the fall sometime. I'm thinking it should be around October if my calculations are correct and I pass all of my classes (I'm not paying 250 dollars for a course I won't pass...). So that's exciting. Then Chris can stay home with the kids in the morning instead of working at A-1, and maybe do some schooling for himself, and we'd just need to find someone to sit with the kids for a couple hours for the time between when he goes to work at the district, and I would be home.) Yay! Plus the extra money would be great too. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hitting the books hard this semester and over the summer in preparation for that. I will take the CBEST (a test you have to take to prove you know the basics at a college level), probably in April, or June. I have to pass it before I can get my credential. I am going to get the study books and register for it once I get my student loan money processed and refunded to me. It's not expensive I just think that would be a great "educational expense" that I could use some of that money for.

That's about all that's new around here. I've become the publicity coordinator for our local MOPS group, which is proving to be fun and challenging at the same time. I'm currently brainstorming ideas to get our group out there and into the community and am also working on the February newsletter which I'm really excited about. Fun stuff. If you're in the Yuba Sutter area and want to join us please feel free to do so. It's aimed at mothers of children from birth to kindergarten and we'd love to have you join us.

Joshua almost has his top tooth or two teeth. They're soooo close. Every time I pick him up I'm checking to see if it's through yet. Teeth are a big deal in our house right now. Charlotte LOVES to brush her teeth. I'm considering hiding the toothbrushes so that she doesn't wear the enamel off hers by brushing them so much. Joshua is so stinking cute too. He is so friendly and a flirt. He cracks me up all the time with the looks he'll give me. He'll be getting into something and I'll tell him no, and he'll just look at me and grin this adorable grin that makes me want to scoop him up and give him some love. Not a good discipline idea though. I love this age.

Charlotte tests my patience on a daily basis. Sometimes an hourly basis. She is learning so much and so quickly. Her vocabulary is really coming along and she's starting to use more words than whines... that's been a frustrating process. Her current favorite (and my current despise) is huh. She says it for everything. Drives me bonkers, but I think it was my fault. I find myself saying it to her sometimes and know that's where she's picked it up. So we're working on ridding huh from our vocabulary in favor of other words. She's fascinated with stickers. I think she had a sticker of some sort (it could be a label off a banana, a stamp, an actual sticker, a piece of tape, a wrapper that has static cling, the list goes on and on) of "sticker" on some piece of her about 75 percent of the time she was awake today. I think I'm going to start using stickers as a potty incentive.

Anyway, that's about it from the home front. Thank you Lord for allowing me to learn and grow through my children and the things you place in my day. Thank you for giving me the strength to confront culture and confirm Christ's love and sacrifice to my family on a daily basis. Help me to continue to become more and more like you every day, and less like the world which seems to call louder and louder with each step I take. May I be a light unto the world, and a willing vessel to share what You would lead me to. Amen.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Welcome Home

Welcome Home to everyone who reads this. May this be a welcoming haven for you to get some insight as to the comings and goings of the Ramey family. May you be Blessed for being here and may you someday (if not this day, this hour, this minute this second) dare to do something mighty. Look for updates on our family and the things happening in our lives as I get a chance to update. I'm going to shoot for once per week, but would like to update more often as time and circumstances allow. Thank you for being a part of our lives, and thank you for all that you are to us.