Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Life...or something like it....

Ahhh... life has settled into its normal routine. I start back to school on Monday (my coursework is supposed to be up later today, and I can get started on it early, which I plan to do), Chris is back to regular schedule at work, the Lee kids are back in the mornings, and I'm back to being mommy for the vast majority of the day. I'm not complaining though, I love it. While I do miss Chris not being home as much, I love that I can stay home with the kids and finish my degree.

So I found out that I will be able to get my substitute credential in the fall sometime. I'm thinking it should be around October if my calculations are correct and I pass all of my classes (I'm not paying 250 dollars for a course I won't pass...). So that's exciting. Then Chris can stay home with the kids in the morning instead of working at A-1, and maybe do some schooling for himself, and we'd just need to find someone to sit with the kids for a couple hours for the time between when he goes to work at the district, and I would be home.) Yay! Plus the extra money would be great too. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hitting the books hard this semester and over the summer in preparation for that. I will take the CBEST (a test you have to take to prove you know the basics at a college level), probably in April, or June. I have to pass it before I can get my credential. I am going to get the study books and register for it once I get my student loan money processed and refunded to me. It's not expensive I just think that would be a great "educational expense" that I could use some of that money for.

That's about all that's new around here. I've become the publicity coordinator for our local MOPS group, which is proving to be fun and challenging at the same time. I'm currently brainstorming ideas to get our group out there and into the community and am also working on the February newsletter which I'm really excited about. Fun stuff. If you're in the Yuba Sutter area and want to join us please feel free to do so. It's aimed at mothers of children from birth to kindergarten and we'd love to have you join us.

Joshua almost has his top tooth or two teeth. They're soooo close. Every time I pick him up I'm checking to see if it's through yet. Teeth are a big deal in our house right now. Charlotte LOVES to brush her teeth. I'm considering hiding the toothbrushes so that she doesn't wear the enamel off hers by brushing them so much. Joshua is so stinking cute too. He is so friendly and a flirt. He cracks me up all the time with the looks he'll give me. He'll be getting into something and I'll tell him no, and he'll just look at me and grin this adorable grin that makes me want to scoop him up and give him some love. Not a good discipline idea though. I love this age.

Charlotte tests my patience on a daily basis. Sometimes an hourly basis. She is learning so much and so quickly. Her vocabulary is really coming along and she's starting to use more words than whines... that's been a frustrating process. Her current favorite (and my current despise) is huh. She says it for everything. Drives me bonkers, but I think it was my fault. I find myself saying it to her sometimes and know that's where she's picked it up. So we're working on ridding huh from our vocabulary in favor of other words. She's fascinated with stickers. I think she had a sticker of some sort (it could be a label off a banana, a stamp, an actual sticker, a piece of tape, a wrapper that has static cling, the list goes on and on) of "sticker" on some piece of her about 75 percent of the time she was awake today. I think I'm going to start using stickers as a potty incentive.

Anyway, that's about it from the home front. Thank you Lord for allowing me to learn and grow through my children and the things you place in my day. Thank you for giving me the strength to confront culture and confirm Christ's love and sacrifice to my family on a daily basis. Help me to continue to become more and more like you every day, and less like the world which seems to call louder and louder with each step I take. May I be a light unto the world, and a willing vessel to share what You would lead me to. Amen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know I read your blog and check for more news ALL THE TIME. Glad you have decided to take better care of yourself and have started weight watchers. Good For You and I know you will do well. Love all of you lots and am very proud of you.

Grandma Hatfield