Saturday, January 26, 2008

Back to the middle of the night blogs...

So I had to blog and get my frustration out... I just finished my test for my math class and found 2 errors in the stinking test. In one of my quizzes for the sections I found another error. I would think that a textbook and software package manufacturer would have correct answers to their own problems. I hate that I am a student who is finding these errors, and having to point them out to my instructor. Why am I paying 250 dollars for a class that I have to correct myself?!? Ugh! And this was only the first chapter. *sigh* maybe it will get better in other chapters?

Other than that not much going on around here, Joshua's appointment went well yesterday. He's 24.5 pounds (85th percentile for weight) and 30 1/4 inches long (66th percentile for height). The visiting doctor (his doc is out of town for the month) said he's "healthy, healthy, healthy!" He seems to be developmentally on track despite being a month early, and we go back again in 2 months for another checkup. Yay for big healthy babies!

Well, I'm going to go to bed now. I think I will be able to get some sleep, my eyelids are feeling droopy. Thanks for putting up with my rant, and caring enough to read this. Know that we love you and are praying for you.

Lord, thank You for the wisdom in my math class. Thank You for giving me the knowledge to receive a good score on my test despite the errors in the program. Please give the instructor wisdom and understanding, and help her to know where to turn to for answers on their end. Lord help my attitude towards this class improve, since I'm finding frustration with the problems I've experienced so far. Help me to continue to learn and grow from the experience. Thank You also for keeping us all safe despite the wet weather. Please continue to be with those that travel in it, and those who are away from here, I pray will be safe wherever they are. Thank You for Your love and patience when we continue to mess things up. I pray that everyone who reads this will blog will be blessed by it, even when I just come to vent. Thank You for friends and family that are willing to listen. In Jesus' holy name. Amen.

P.S. - Mom and Joe we're proud of you, and hope that you will join us either tonight or tomorrow for services. We love you! Thanks for making my day yesterday!

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