Sunday, February 3, 2008

Seeing Less of Me...

No, not in the form of my blog or online or anything like that, I mean physically... and no, I am not turning into a hermit, I mean size wise. I've made a decision to go back to Weight Watchers and to turn my health around. I'm tired of feeling tired and fat, and overall yucky. So, I signed up for a monthly pass for Weight Watchers, and since Chris is home on the weekends now and I don't have to haul the kids with me to a meeting, I can go on Saturday mornings for a weigh in and fun-filled meeting, and hopefully do something different with my lifestyle. Chris has decided he's cutting out sugar as part of his "diet", but I think we're going to have to discuss that, I'm not sure it's the best way to go, when we just went shopping and he bought cheese filled bratwurst. (Isn't this like drinking diet soda with your extra large french fries?)

Other than that, it's pretty much life as usual around here, school is in full swing again, I got my issues worked out with my math instructor (until I find the next problems), I don't think I'm going to be able to take the summer classes like I thought I was, which means that my timetable for getting my sub credential and my BA will all be pushed back. The reason? We can't afford it. I'm only allowed so much to come from my student loans each year, and I've maxed that out for these two semesters. I can get outside loans to pay for it, but our credit is such that I don't think we'd be approved. So, I've pretty much come to the conclusion that unless 6 grand that isn't accounted for elsewhere, falls into our laps, I'm taking the summer off. I did schedule my CBEST test for April 12th, and am getting ready to take that. It is one of the first hurdles in getting your teaching credential. I have to pass it to go anywhere from here. So, lots of extra studying will be happening over the next 2 1/2 months, on top of my regular schoolwork.

Charlotte and Joshua are as crazy as ever. Josh has taken to throwing tantrums already when he doesn't get his way, and boy are they dramatic. He's ready for the stage anytime now. He was sitting on the floor this morning and Chris didn't pick him up when Joshua wanted to be picked up so he folded himself in half, laid his head on the floor and wailed. He looked crushed. Chris and I just laughed. He is too funny.

Charlotte is in the middle of the whining/fit throwing part of childhood. They say it gets better, and I can't wait. (Do I sound like a broken record? I think I've said all of this before) The other night we were at the store and she was driving me nuts, just whining this uncomprehendable whine for general no-goodness, the ENTIRE time. So we get out to the car and I'm loading her into the car, she stops, looks at me, says I love you this much with her arms spread wide. I chuckled and said I love you too, but not that much right now, and her reply was, "I love you more." Yes, honey, at this point in time that may be true... Then she looks at me and says "Sorry mommy. Hug?" How could I not melt? I hadn't even prompted her to apologize or anything. She is so smart sometimes it amazes me. It was like she knew what she was doing was frustrating me and was doing it anyway... stop that kid!!!

Oh, before I forget, there is a place at the bottom of each of my blogs that says something like 0 comments. If you click on that, you can leave a comment for us right there. I know that has been some of the feedback that I have gotten is that there is no way to leave feedback. Just wanted to let you all know it was there, and we love hearing from you.

Thanks for "listening" to me again. I will update soon.

1 comment:

Rich and Karyn Speakman said...

I'm so proud of you, Heidi! It's hard to get to a point where you realize that you are needing to change - - it was hard for ME, at least and took me a long time to get there. Once you get a little success under your belt as far as the change goes, you feel like you'll never want to go back to the "old you". Please keep me updated on your progress and if you ever need someone to talk to or help with accountability, I'm your girl! :) I love you!