Sunday, February 17, 2008

Since I have no idea for a creative title for this I'll just write it without one!

So, Chris had Friday morning off of work at A-1 so we spent time looking for a new place to live. While our apartment is great, I'm itching to have a house, with a yard, and seprate bedrooms for the kids, so that hopefully they won't wake eachother up at 5:30 anymore. (We haven't slept past 7:00 in like a week and a half now, even though they were sick and still needed the sleep.) So we've been watching the paper and got the listings for all of the property management places in the the area, for 3 bedroom houses, and we think we've narrowed it down to two. We will go see them on Tuesday to see if we can figure out which we'd prefer. Hopefully we'll get our tax return on Friday and can put a deposit down. We've already given our 30 day notice here, and we have to be out of here by the 16th, so we're anxious to get out of here. We're starting to pack boxes and figure that once we find a place we'll start moving a little here and a little there and then one weekend we'll load all of the big stuff and then work here on cleaning and stuff. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I think I'm somewhat fearful because of the last time and all the stuff that happened. I know that it won't because we're not going to go somewhere that isn't ready, but I'm still a little nervous about it. It does help to know that I can walk down to the manager's office and cancel my notice at any time.
Saturday was awesome. My cousin came over and watched the kids for us so that Chris and I could go spend some time together with just the two of us. We haven't spent a whole day away since before Charlotte was born, nearly 3 years ago now. We went to breakfast, went shopping in Sacramento, went miniature golfing, followed by lunch and more shopping. Although, we really didn't spend much, we did look at options for dressers for the kids and such, but we really only bought some fabric, a pepper mill, a set of cutting boards, and a really cute "town" floor rug for the kids to drive their cars on and such. It was really nice to be able to just get out and do things without the kids throwing fits, crying and being a real pain because it was naptime. I think it was good for both of us, as we've been a little snippy with eachother and not really communicating well, and I think this helped. It was nice to sit down for a meal and focus on eachother rather than the kids and keeping the items on the table.
Today I woke up feeling kind of yucky. I think I'm getting the cold back that the kids passed to me a couple of weeks ago. I think they got it again and Chris got it and I'm hoping that I'm not coming down with it again. So we stayed home with the exception of running some errands this afternoon and grabbing 5 movies to watch in the next two days. We watched Elizabeth, Underdog is currently on, to be followed by The Game Plan, Becoming Jane and Mr. Woodcock (not necessarily in that order) sometime between now and Tuesday. Elizabeth was pretty good, we watched it with subtitles on, because it was a bit hard to understand/follow if they weren't on. Underdog was pretty cheesy, Chris enjoyed it though (it's almost over).
Tomorrow Chris and Papa Joe are going golfing in Arbuckle (I almost typed Aruba for some reason?). They have been looking forward to this trip for a few weeks now. Chris has been really funny, he got a set of left handed clubs (he's left handed) and found this course in Arbuckle and has been focused on that since then. Silly boy. So my mom and I decided that we are going to take the kids to Chico to visit with my Great Aunt Nadine and Uncle Bob. We haven't seen them since before Joshua was born, and it will be nice for them to see the kids. I pray that they will be in good moods, we're going to wake them up early so that they take a nap early and can last through the afternoon for a bit. (At least that's what my hope is.)
Hope all of your weekends went well. I will post more later.

1 comment:

Soul Focus Photography said...

moving, how exciting. good luch finding the perfect place.

i cant believe you havent had a day without kids since charlotte was born! thats crazy ridiculous! call me anytime you guys want a break and i will watch your babies.