Sunday, February 24, 2008

Life as we know it.

Moving stinks! I will be so glad when we are in a house and unpacked. Now if only we knew where we were going to be. This is beginning to have undertones of last January, although I know at any time I can walk down to the manager's office and cancel my 30 day notice, so we won't be "homeless" like last year. We're still waiting to hear back on two houses we've applied for. I really don't think we got the one on Joseph since they were supposed to make a decision on Thursday and we haven't heard from them. The good news/and frustrating thing in some aspects is that they are still moving forward with our application at Trident for the house on University Avenue. Hopefully we hear back on it this week. I would venture to say we're about 60% packed, just waiting to hear when we get keys somewhere to finish and begin moving. I think we're going to start moving some of the stuff that's already packed first, then one weekend move the rest of it. We're supposed to be all out of here on the 16th of March. We'll see... please pray for us to hear back soon and that God would give us wisdom as to what to do/where to go next.

Charlotte has been better this weekend. Thank you all who are praying for us and specifically for her behavior. I pray that she continues to grow and mature through this "terrible" twos. I'm beginning to think that she's definitely one of those "strong-willed children". That red hair doesn't detract from that either. I'm learning tricks to help, and I find that if I stop what I'm doing which isn't always possible, and explain that it is not okay for her to throw a temper tantrum, and that I can't help her if I dont understand what she wants, it usually somewhat helps. That's not to say that she stops the fit, but rather there is a moment of quiet that my brain can function in. She's also learning that her bedroom is going to be her living room if she doesn't start communicating more effectively as we are sending her there a lot when she's inconsolable. We've taken all of the toys out of there and don't let her come out to the living room unless she stops crying. That's helping too.

Joshua got his first haircut today. He needed it! It was getting so long it was hanging in his eyes in the front, and over his ears on either side. He did really well and looks like such a big boy now that its done. The pictures didn't turn out great, but you get the idea.


Being such a big boy during his haircut:

And afterwards riding on the train with Charlotte (who needs her haircut too as you can tell by this picture, we were going to do it today, but it meant waiting another 20 minutes just to have hers done, and all I really want done on hers is her bangs.)

And a cute picture of Charlotte and Bri from last week:

Now Charlotte was leaning over a bit, but she really is that much shorter than Bri. She gets her lack of height from her mommy poor girl.

That's about all that's new from here, I hope everyone's weekend was great and you all stayed dry and warm. May our week be even better and may you all stay safe and healthy.

1 comment:

Rich and Karyn Speakman said...

I love the hair cut!!! Very nice. Here's hoping that your move with go well and that packing won't be as difficult as it seems :)