Wednesday, March 12, 2008

"Getting It"

I've sat down four times over the last two days trying to come up with something that wasn't the same old stuff to write about. Nothing came to me until I was visiting a friend's blog tonight and came across this video. Grab a tissue people, this is inspiring to me.

How does a 13 year old know this?!? After Todd's message this past Sunday at church when he spoke about his own 6 year old hearing from God and now this video I'm amazed that these children "get it" and yet it is so hard sometimes for myself and the adults around me to do the same thing. Can it be as simple as just listening with a childlike faith? I want that kind of trust and belief, yet I struggle so much sometimes and think I'm hearing when in fact I'm making my own decisions and not truly listening to His will in my life. Perhaps that's why we haven't moved yet. I'm making up His will rather than "Letting go and Letting God!" That's so hard to do though when we're programmed and marketed to about leading your own life, making your own decisions, having it all and more, and the "Me First" attitude that is pervading our culture. Why is it that Satan uses the same old tired tricks over and over again and we don't learn? We still fall for them.

Thank you Lord for your message to me tonight. I pray that I will "get it" like this young man did when he went out to put that calf down. Please open my ears so that I may hear You and know what it is You want for me. Amen.

1 comment:

Soul Focus Photography said...

aww i heard this on klove. i cried. too precious and innocent.