Monday, March 31, 2008

Sorry it's been so long...

I just realized I haven't blogged in like two weeks. With getting ready for the trip and then just getting home from the trip my mind has been elsewhere.

The trip went well, the kids did great on the drive considering they were stuck in their carseats for 12 hours. We were glad to see everyone (with the exception of Chris' sister Colleen, who unfortunately refused to see us but that's a whole nother story), and meet Jason and Alex. My computer died just as we pulled into Salt Lake City, so I didn't have my own computer for doing homework on, but there are 3 others that I could've used. It turns out we think my hard drive died, but we're still able to get things off of it, so we're not sure. Anyway, a new hard drive and a re-install of everything and I'm back as good as new. Chris took out his golf clubs and was able to go golfing with the guys in the family which he enjoyed, and now his dad and brother in laws all are starting up golfing.

We were able to get pictures of all the grandkids, the idea was to get all four of them together in one picture, but since Damion wasn't feeling well, and therefore wasn't cooperating we had to settle for individual pictures and then make a collage of all four of them on the same page. The night before we came home was the worst. After pictures and lunch I took the kids back to the house to get a nap in, and Charlotte got whatever bug Damion had and was throwing up all afternoon, evening, and most of the night. I think we finally got to sleep sometime after 1:00 only to be up 4 hours later to leave to come home. Chris also got some sort of a stomach bug (different than the kids) at the same time, so I was a little panicked as to how we were going to make a journey of 700 miles stopping at every bathroom without going insane. Fortunately though stomachs cleared up and we were able to make it back without any problems on that end.

Charlotte and Joshua - we make pretty cute kids!

Charlotte is so photogenic. Pretty girl.

Joshua "honking" the invisible horn.

This is my favorite. Charlotte was playing peek a boo and this got snapped at the right moment.

Damion in my cousin Sammy's lap. He wanted nothing to do with his mom, and the only way we could get him to sit for even a half a second (even mid-scream) was if Sammy sat down with him.

This is the new baby, Stormie Rain Mitchell. She is 4 weeks old now, and is a whopping 6 pounds 6 ounces. I can't remember Char ever being that tiny, though I know she was a pound less than that at one point.
We're looking forward to going out in September again. SuAnne (the 2nd oldest) is getting married and I'm the Matron of Honor in the wedding. So I'll take the kids out (by airplane) the week before the wedding, and then Chris can come out a few days later and not take off so much time from work. It will be fun to see how much Stormie has grown in almost 6 months and to have all the grandkids together again to play with eachother more. But for now it's good to be home and sleeping in our own beds without the kids in the same room.

Now we're packing and getting ready to move. We move in less than 3 weeks and we have a lot to do. The kids enjoyed having a big backyard to play in out in Utah so I know they're going to enjoy having the same at the new house. I'm excited to be able to have people over and have room for everyone.

We went Yard Sale-ing this weekend and got two really good deals. We bought a real wood dresser with attached mirror for 15 dollars, then later found a twin size bed frame, headboard and footboard for 10 dollars. We figured that we'd found our share of good bargains for the day and went to the home show, which was not as impressive as I'd hoped it would be. I think being renters is part of that disappointment, but there just wasn't a lot that interested me this year there. Bummer.

So that's about all of the news from this end. I'll throw a few pictures in from our trip to share.

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