Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What's new in the Ramey Household

Nothing. Really... there's nothing new.

Charlotte is the same. She got to spend the night at Grammy's a few weeks ago, which was a first. She absolutely loved it, and is still talking about it. She got to play with Papa and his microphone as he recorded her singing songs. Absolutely adorable! I felt kind of lost without her, as it was weird only having one child to look after and be responsible for. We enjoyed some time together with Aunt Sandra and Uncle Bryan and the cousins at dinner, then had to run by the store, but after that, we just hung out at home and then went to bed. He did get a little time in the morning with me which was nice. Plus he got to sleep in (which meant I got to sleep in), since his sister wasn't there to wake him up.

Joshua's toe healed nicely (I may have mentioned this in the last blog...) He looks mostly normal, though that toe is pointy in one spot for some reason. Unless you look closely you can't really even tell. I can't believe he'll be two in about 2 months. Time flies!

We took our annual trip to Bishop's Pumpkin Farm this past weekend. Charlotte was so excited to be going to the "punka match". She got to play all over the trains, and farm equipment, jump in the hay, pet animals, ride on the hay ride, pick out her very own pumpkin (our requirement was that they had to be able to carry it themselves!), and watch the pig races! Great fun!

That's about it from this neck of the woods. Like I said, there's not much new here. I hope and pray that everyone who reads this is doing well and is happy and healthy. Know that we love you and are praying for you.

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