Monday, December 15, 2008


Wow. 9 days until Christmas. Already! Where has the time gone. I am feeling so blessed this year, and am thankful that I am able to recognize it, and appreciate it. I know that there are so many others out there that aren't as blessed as we are, and I pray that they find comfort wherever they may be and know that there is One who loves them and desires to know each and every one. Wow.

I'm writing this as I should be preparing for my MOPS meeting tomorrow, but as usual, I'm procrastinating, and popped in here to catch all of you up and check out the comments that people have left. I was disappointed that someone chose to anonymously post some comments that aren't helpful in any way. Wow. I suppose that is your options, or was, as I've changed my settings to no longer allow anonymous settings. My fault for trusting in the first place. Those of you who have put helpful comments, I pray that you know how encouraging they are.

And a big Wahoo! I'm done with school this semester. I will start back on the 12th of January. I did fairly well this semester, though it kicked my behind to get it all done. I'm within 30 units now of getting my B.S. degree (28 units to be exact) and I should be done this summer if everything stays on track. I have two math classes left to take to fulfill my "requirements" the rest is simply elective courses that will probably be made up of education, psychology and theology classes because I learn the most from them. Woo! (Sorry, not much to wow there.)

I went and got the application packet to start substitute teaching today. I'm waiting for them to get back to me, because Sutter County seems to require a Bachelor's degree, where as there is a credential that you can get as a prospective teacher that will allow you to sub with less than that. So I'm waiting to hear if they'll accept me or not. I will be majorly bummed if they won't. It's an insanely expensive and time consuming process to go through to get just a substitute credential. It's slightly more than 200 dollars once you throw in the fingerprinting fees, license fees and other various fees that are associated with the process. My jaw almost hit the floor when I realized that. (WOW!!!) I'm confident however that God will provide the money though, and am trusting that I will be allowed to go where He wants me.

I sincerely want to thank all of you who have supported me over the last year and a half as I've been doing this. All of your encouraging words and helpful advice, offers to help in any way, have been MUCH appreciated and I am so humbled by your kind words and thoughts. I ask that you would continue to pray us through this journey as I'm terrified of what's to come. I've never been afraid before, but the farther I get into the process, and the realization that I will be responsible for students on my own, and the vast amount of responsibility and weight that carries, is feeling slightly overwhelming to me right now. Please continue to offer that up for us. We do so greatly appreciate it.

As for the rest of the family, everyone is doing well. Joshua celebrates his second birthday next week (WOW!). He is talking more and more, and is definitely getting his own opinions. He and Charlotte are beginning to fight more too. It's great fun! Most of the time I let them work it out themselves, however, I do intervene if it goes seriously awry. It's so fun to watch them grow and learn to love each other, and those around them. Charlotte has decided that it is her job to help tuck Joshua in bed each night. The three of us (and daddy when he's home) kneel at the foot of Joshua's bed, we pray and then give kisses all around. Charlotte has been the last to kiss Joshua lately then, she tells him goodnight and shuts off the light and closes the door. It's so sweet. She loves him so much. He lights up in the morning when he sees her too, so I know the feeling is mutual. (Wow!)

Chris is working so hard to provide for our family. I am so humbled by his willingness to continue to work two jobs, even telling me that if I need to take the summer off and finish my school in the fall semester (I'm not going to), that he's willing to continue to work so that I can stay home as long as I want. I'm so blessed. Beyond blessed. I thank the Lord that He has given me such an amazing partner for life. I definitely didn't/don't deserve it. (Wow!)

That's about all from here. I pray that you all have a wonderful Christmas. Spend some time with your loved ones, and know that Christ came for you, because He loves you. Spend some time with Him this season as well. He wants to know you more.

1 comment:

Rich and Karyn Speakman said...

Hey sweetheart...I'm glad things are going so well. The kids are at such a fun age right now, so soak it up! I'm so proud of you for how hard you work at school. Keep it're almost done!