Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A month?!?

It's been a month since I last blogged... okay, over a month. A month of lots of stuff, and yet not really anything. Mostly life as usual. I am a month closer to graduating. Hard to believe that the 3rd of July will be my last day as an undergraduate student, and I will, on that day (if not before) have completed my work to get my Bachelor's degree. It is exciting and awesome, and terrifying.

I am the first person in our immediate (and extended) family to graduate from college (as far as I know). I am humbled by that. I have the opportunity to leave a legacy and want to make sure that I do it right. Am I showing those who come after me that school is important, and that education is a gift that we should not take lightly, but should persevere to the end, despite the "hiccups" that occur along the way. I married young, and when I did, I promised those around me that I would finish college. And I intended to, at that time. But life came, and hiccup. Two young adults trying to make it in the world, on their own, did not, in my case, allow for me to go to school. Hiccup. Work would come first then school would come at some point down the road. Then Charlotte came, and I started to return to school, but now two young adults and a new baby definitely didn't allow much time, or resources, for school. Hiccup. Then Joshua came too. And school was beckoning me. I knew that I needed to go back, for the promise I made to those I cherish, and for myself and my family. So the search began for a school to attend, and I came across Liberty. I sent for information and fell in love with the idea of a college teaching biblical values that I could attend from home on my own time. I have been so blessed to take courses in general education, psychology, education and bible learning from professors who wrote the textbooks, and who prayed for us and our successes. I am so proud to have been able to complete my studies there, and will miss it, but it is time to move on to more experiences. I am excited to begin Chapman in the fall as a credential student, and am considering the Master's Program as well, but that'll be for later. A HUGE thank you to all of you who have supported me through the last couple of years, (and longer) to get this done. I owe a lot of my success to my wonderful supportive husband who was more than willing to continue to work two jobs and watch the kids on the weekends while I completed homework or various projects. Thank you so much.

I have been coming across a lot of good ideas and inspirational things lately, I'm hoping to start blogging more about those kinds of things, but for now, we'll wait and see. I'm extremely busy right now with the end of this semester, and am hoping that in the next few weeks things will slow down a bit more and I'll have more time.

God Bless!


Rich and Karyn Speakman said...

I am SO incredibly proud of you! You have no idea! We are always here for you if you ever need anything and can't wait for the graduation to be official! Love you!

Angie's Angle said...

Great blog, Heidi! There's a lot to say for the endurance that goes behind being "mommy" and trying to fulfill that promise you made to get your degree. GOOD FOR YOU!!! And on TOP of that, to be serving in the handful of ministries that you are! I'm so proud of you...AND you have two amazing kids that you should be very proud of. They are two of the smartest kids I know!!!