Tuesday, July 14, 2009

3 in 3... this is getting better!!!

I'm making a conscious effort to start blogging every day. I enjoy the outlet, and it's nice to keep you all updated on things around here.

I don't think I mentioned the other day that Chris and Charlotte have an eye appointment on Monday. Apparently, when I was at camp, Charlotte failed her eye exam at her 4 year old check up. I got the notice in the mail that said she has 20/40 vision, so they're sending her to an optometrist to have a more thorough exam. Her original appointment was scheduled for yesterday, but because I know my daughter is most likely going to freak out because it is a new situation for her and new setting, I went ahead and cancelled the appointment and scheduled a new appointment with our family eye doctor. Chris was due for an appointment anyway and that will allow her to see him have it done first, so that it is a little less unfamilliar for her. We'll see. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we don't have major meltdown. Should be a great time!!! Unlike the time that Joshua was having in this picture:

The cause of Joshua's meltdown you ask???? His friend took the tractor and licked it! I suppose that's one way to claim a toy. Far better to lick it than to smack someone with it. Tough life of two year olds...
We were at the park last week and I was able to take some pictures of the kids. I haven't put pictures up in awhile, so here you go!
Whew... like my cutie-patootie son... I'm exhausted!
May you be blessed on your Wednesday (or whatever day you read this!)



Melissa W. said...

Best of luck on Charlotte's appointment. You may want to sit down with her and explore the VSP Kid's Zone to make her more comfortable about a trip to the optometrist, bit.ly/L1Ua6 It includes fun stuff for both of you, like kid friendly activities, plus tips and suggestions relating to children's eye heath.

Mahittabelle Byrdfracker said...

Love the new look of your blog, much easier to see and read. Miss all of you and with I could be there to hug each one of you.

Grandma Hatfield said...

In case you don't happen to remember who Mahittabelle Brydfracker is.....it's Grandma Hatfield !

Rich and Karyn Speakman said...

Hahahaha! The pictures are great! My poor, sweet Joshy...