Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Tonight I'm feeling reflective. I think back to a year ago, Joshua was only a few weeks old, we had just moved into this apartment after staying with the Richardson's for nearly two weeks when the whole house thing fell through, and Chris was working full time at A-1. He had put in job applications at the school district, but nothing had come through. Within about a week after moving in he received a phone call from the district with an interview. That would turn into a job offer, Joshua would be hospitalized with a kidney infection, and he would start the new job in a span of about 3 weeks. I am feeling so blessed to look back and reflect on where we've come in the last year. Yeah, there have been tough times, and there have been times where we struggled, but overall we came through it, and now we are so much better off for it. We've seen lots of babies born this past year, (we're still waiting for one in Utah that still needs to stay put for a few more weeks), made new friends, strengthened and pruned some old relationships, changed jobs, worked more, worked less, laughed more, cried less (most of us anyway). I am so thankful for being a part of the things we shared with family and friends this past year. It continually amazes me what wonderful, caring, thoughtful, creative, passionate friends and family we share. I only hope that someday I will grow up and be more like each and every one of them.
Lord, thank you for placing the people in our path that you've placed. I pray that each of them would be blessed abundantly this year and that they would continue to thrive and seek You. Please let me be what you would want me to be for them, and let them trust that whatever they need from us, that we would be able to provide it. Thank You again for blessing us so richly.

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