I had to bow out of the church drama thing for the elementary kids that we were doing. We had been doing the skits for the kids church on a weekly basis, and between Chris working so much and I got a lot more schoolwork than I expected, plus the kids and everything else, something had to go. So we spoke with Pastor Tad (or Chris called him today while I was snoozing) and we apologized for not being able to do it. I knew I'd have a lot of work, but didn't know it would be this much... so for now we're taking a break. We'll see how it goes.
I think we've decided that we're going out to Utah in mid-late March to visit the family out there. I think we're going to leave the evening of the 21st and drive through the night so the kids will sleep. I think we'll stay until Wednesday and come back either Wednesday day, or Wednesday night. Haven't confirmed that yet though with Chris' work schedule. He did speak with his boss about taking the time off and he was told that he's the first person to ask, so all he has to do is fill out a time request form and if he has the time off available (his vacation time) then he can have the time. Soo.... it doesn't look like that will be too much of a problem. And since we'll have our tax return by then (hopefully) that shouldn't be a problem either! Wooo!!! A vacation? What is that? So... that would be....

Yay! That worked!
Well, I'm feeling a little sleepy now (it helps that I took some NyQuill)... My God bless you all as you go through the rest of your weekend and we will see you soon!
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