Wednesday, January 23, 2008

An Evening Blog

An evening blog?!? What? Not a middle of the night, Heidi can't sleep so she's up blogging blog? What is the world coming to?

Okay, so I have to admit, I started this blog yesterday and hit a wall. I don't want to keep repeating the same things that I said in the last blogs over and over again. So I decided to sleep on it and that I would blog more today. So this morning I was working on my newsletter for MOPS and got busy doing something else (I think it was when TJ and Brianna left) and my computer went to sleep. I came back to it about 10 minutes later and tried to wake it up. Nothing happpened. So I tried again. Still nothing. So I went to restart it, and nothing. It would start to power up and the lights would come on the keyboard for a second, then go right back off. I had Chris look it over and he couldn't figure it out so I called tech support. They walked me through a couple things and then advised me of an apparent recall (we got a notice on it a few months ago, but I wasn't having any problems so we ignored the recall) where they have to replace the motherboard of the computer!!!! So I have to ship my computer to HP (they pay for the shipping) and have them replace the motherboard and ship it back to me. They say it's a 7-9 day turnaround (I am thinking this doesn't include shipping... I hope it does), so I won't have my computer for a couple weeks. In the meantime, my dad has been gracious enough to let me borrow his laptop, so that I can do my homework. We're going to try and fix the old HP (the desktop we had that we passed on to my dad before he bought his laptop) and then we can give him his laptop back. Am I making any sense? Anyway, to make a long story short... bye bye all the work I did on my newsletter (or a late newsletter), bye bye computer temporarily, hello different laptop... temporarily, and frustration for me. Ugh, oh well, at least I have something that I can do my schoolwork, e-mail, blogging on.
Joshua has a doctor's appointment tomorrow. It's just his 12 month physical, so nothing really to worry about, at least I hope not. I think he will get some shots, which generally don't make him happy, but he's not too bad. He's getting huge. I will update tomorrow on how big he is. I'm sure we'll all be blown away by how big he is. I think he's right around 25-26 pounds, and I have no idea how tall he is. Crazy boy is going to be a linebacker for sure!
Other than that, there's not much going on here. We're finally all over the cold thing that we kept sharing, so we're all feeling better, now let's hope it stays that way. We are looking forward to our time off in March, I told Kim this morning that I won't be here for those days, and Chris has them scheduled off through both jobs. Woo!!! Vacation is coming!
That's about it on this end. I hope this message finds everyone well and blessed. May the God of the universe shine brightly into your day tomorrow and throughout your weekend.


Rich and Karyn Speakman said...

Oh my gosh...I don't think I could stay sane if I didn't have a computer. Thank the Lord for your dad's laptop! I hope all is going well there and that you are feeling well!

Soul Focus Photography said...

im glady you have an extra computer to use! that would suck if you didnt. i thought i was gonna have to let you borrow one of ours =)

hope it doesnt cost an arm and a leg to fix!