Sunday, January 20, 2008

Gray Lodge Trip

My parents invited us to go to Gray Lodge with them on Saturday so we piled into the car and headed out. While there weren't as many ducks as there were last year, we still had fun getting out in the fresh air and stretching our legs for awhile. Thought I'd share some more recent photos of the kids too.

Joshua sweeping my kitchen for me on Friday night... he pulled all of the stuff out of the drawer/side of the fridge and then was trying to sweep...

Hey dad! What's up?

Charlotte in the car on the way there.

My mom and Charlotte walking back from the lookout point.

A duck in the reeds. I figured you all wanted to see at least one duck from Greylodge.

Joshua poopled out on the way home. Sleep and food are two things that we don't mess with with this boy. He was so out of it. Poor little guy.

After our trip we came home and Great grandma and Great grandpa Ramey came over. The kids took a quick nap and then we headed for dinner. Dinner with the kids is always an experience. While they aren't bad, they're just messy and loud. It keeps us on our toes when we go out with them. We had fun though, and it was nice to see the grandparents. While the kids are slow to warm up sometimes, after awhile they love playing with grandma and grandpa, and we love getting to see them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The pictures are adorable. Love the lighting on Joshua sleeping. Cute little guy, he was tuckered out.

Love you guys!