Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Welcome Home

Welcome Home to everyone who reads this. May this be a welcoming haven for you to get some insight as to the comings and goings of the Ramey family. May you be Blessed for being here and may you someday (if not this day, this hour, this minute this second) dare to do something mighty. Look for updates on our family and the things happening in our lives as I get a chance to update. I'm going to shoot for once per week, but would like to update more often as time and circumstances allow. Thank you for being a part of our lives, and thank you for all that you are to us.


Soul Focus Photography said...

glad to see you are blogging too!

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful trip/vacation and drive safely. You all are in my prayers and I love and miss you very much
Hugs, Grandma Hatfield