Wednesday, December 9, 2009

New Computer

Several of the blogs I read are giving away a brand new HP Touchsmart 600, and I have a chance to win it! I'd advise you to enter, but that would lessen my chances, though it would be very cool if we both won one! What would you do with it? It looks really cool! You can check it out at several places...

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Okay, Where did October go?

Who stole October? It's November already, and almost a third of the way through it! Ugh!

I've been taking things one day at a time lately, as it seems that's the only way I can do things and still focus on what I need to be focusing on. (And even that isn't accurate... I'm supposed to be doing homework right now...)

We had a great Halloween. Charlotte was Cinderella, and Joshua was a rock star. It was decided at the last minute that is what he would be. We tossed around several options and that's what we finally came up with, by default actually. He was originally going to be "daddy" for Halloween, because that's what he said he wanted. So I had this idea that I would get him a shirt, and embroider "daddy" on it, put him in some jeans, find a broom and one of those trash recepticle things on a stick (I know you know what I mean!) and then he'd be on his way. Only I couldn't find the trash thing... :( I was bummed. I did find this really cool guitar though and a cool shirt, so we put our microphone headset for the computer on him and his guitar, cowboy hat, boots and a cool pair of jeans, spiked his hair and called it good! Charlotte's dress from her birthday served as her Halloween costume (that was planned back in June when I made it originally), and off we went to the Harvest Festival/Trunk or Treat at the church. My mom went with us and we had a great time. It was a little chaotic, because there were about 3000 people there (throughout the night, but probably 1500 or so when we were there), but we managed. I refuse to go to that thing by myself. Hopefully next year Chris will be working days and he can go with us!

We also went to Bishops Pumpkin farm a week before Halloween and had a blast. The kids really enjoyed playing in the hay, petting the animals, sitting on large pumpkins, and riding the train. We stayed away from some of the more child-popular activities since it was pretty crowded by the time we were getting ready to go, but enjoyed ourselves nonetheless.

Chris and I were able to attend a David Crowder Band concert in Sacramento with an amazing group of friends. I am so lucky to serve on a youth staff with some great people, and most of us were able to attend the show. It was a ton of fun, and DCB puts on a great show. Thanks to my friend who bought my ticket as I was originally just going to send Chris. Can I share again how great my friends are?!?

School is going well for me. I'm in the middle of probably my toughest term this year. I'm taking 3 graduate level courses right now at the same time which has me quite busy. I am focusing on one day at a time right now, between school, family, work, ministries, sleep, my house, etc. God is doing amazing things though and I'm privileged to be a part of it all.

We've started a Biggest Loser Challenge with a group of friends and family. I'm excited to say that in four weeks (we weigh in for week 5 tomorrow) the group of us has lost nearly 200 pounds!!! That's AMAZING! My husband has been working out and has lost an incredible 31.2 pounds so far (not including what he's lost this week!). I'm so proud of him and he's looking great. I've not lost that much. I have lost about 10 pounds though, which is my goal for each month between now and next summer. I'm going to try and step it up a little bit more though and try and lose more. I'm so proud of this group. We're continuing until the first of the year and then we'll probably open up a new challenge for those that want to continue. It's a great motivator, and the extra support is always nice for encouragement and resources.

Alright, I've got to get back to my homework. I just wanted to pop in and let you know that we're still here and going along. There's not that much exciting to blog about, though I've been feeling the need for awhile. Perhaps when life slows down :P LOL.

Love you all!

Heidi, Chris, Charlotte and Joshua

Monday, September 7, 2009


Hi friends... okay... crickets... since I'm fairly sure that most, if not all my "followers" have stopped doing just that for my lack of posting.

So much new in our world, yet nothing terribly earth-shaking.

I've started school and am already at midterm time for my first bunch of classes. I have been pretty bored with my classes, being that my B.S. degree is in education, not just some random degree. I have a gentleman in one of my classes that has his B.S. in aeronautical engineering (or something equally similar, he explained it as basically equivalent to basket-weaving in space... LOL), who is probably getting a lot out of these classes because they are so entry level into education. Oh well, perhaps the wisdom I have can be shared to him and to others in the class. That's how I'm getting through it anyway. I am REALLY looking forward to getting this stuff done so that I can get into my own classroom. Next year! I have also started looking for a "placement" for my student teaching. My friend Lori has a fourth grade classroom that I will probably do my upper-grades student teaching in, so I'm looking for a lower grades placement to work in now. I'm really hoping (praying) for a long-term substitute position that I can do instead of my student teaching, for financial reasons. A semester plus the summer without any sort of income on my end, while still paying childcare is a LONG time... and unless I win the lottery or something... but I'm trusting that God will provide as I know that he will.

Joshua is growing by leaps and bounds. He is talking so much now and we're seriously working on potty training. He finally went the other day at preschool in the toilet, but has yet to do so here at home. We're still working on it though! I think by the time he's three he'll have it down! Yay! He has such a sweet personality. He's lately decided that he's our "beff frend". I love that he thinks his mommy and daddy are his best friends. I hope that he continues to feel that close to us. That is not to say that we feel the same way. While I love my children and want to be one of their best friends, I realize that I am their parent, not their friend. I will continue to draw that line until their grown and out of the house, when I hope that the "friendship" comes to full fruition. We tease all the time that Joshua is going to be a worship leader or rockstar. I came into the playroom the other day to see this:

Hilarious. He is too funny. He was using the basketball hoop as a microphone and singing into it while playing his guitar. Way to go dude! You are sooo cool!

Charlotte continues to develop her teenage-girl attitude, yet she continues to whine like her 4 year old self. If anyone has any ideas on how to break that I'd love to hear them. I'm out of ideas... and fed up with the whine/attitude combo. I'm sure I'll have to just deal with it and pray that she'll grow out of it, but in the meantime, I'm pulling my hair out, and she's spending a lot of time in the corner. Poor us. See example below:

Other than that, we're all good here. Chris is back to his regular schedule at work, and I've been subbing a bit and keeping busy with school and ministry opportunities. I've been working with our youth group and am super excited that we'll be going on a missions trip next summer. I can't reveal the location yet, as details are still being worked out, but suffice it to say, I'm going to need a new bathing suit!

We did start painting the kitchen today, it's not finished, but I'll put up pictures as soon as we get it finished, probably next week.

Take care crickets! Until next time!

The Rameys

Thursday, August 6, 2009

A Break in the Madness!

Okay, so it's not really madness around here, but I'm hoping that it will be in a couple of weeks. Really though, there hasn't been much going on, so I've been pretty quiet on here.

I'm in the middle of getting ready for everything to jump into overdrive. School starts for me on August 18th, school starts for subbing on August 17th (I'm praying for a long-term placement), MOPS starts the first week in September. Chris changes schedules again at the school on the 17th and has applied for a job at a different school and interviews for that on the 10th. So he may be changing schools in the midst of all of this as well.

The kids continue to plug along, growing and developing at a pace that exceeds my wildest dreams. Joshua is talking so much now. Tonight he told Chris, "No daddy, don't drink my milk!" It was perfectly clear and you can tell he's trying so hard to express himself with words. It's great fun! Charlotte is coming into her personality. She is so anxious to be the center of attention all of the time. It's maddening and hilarious at the same time. Sometimes I think she's not 4, but rather 14, because she says the strangest things, and has quite the attitude. She's convinced she is a princess, and that it's her birthday (still). I think I may be creating a monster! She's going to be quite the handful when she gets to her teenage years.

That's about all for now, I'll update more later. I have to go make ice cream!


Monday, July 20, 2009

It's Official!!!

Just a quick note...

It's official and they can't take it away!!! I got an e-mail tonight notifying me that my B.S. degree in Education with a minor in psychology was conferred today. I'm officially a college graduate!!! And to make things even better, it's with honors! Woo!

Hope this finds everyone well. Thanks again for all of your support through the years. Know that I love you! For those of you still in school, keep working hard in order to graduate. I look forward to celebrating with you when your time comes!!! Keep up the great work!


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

3 in 3... this is getting better!!!

I'm making a conscious effort to start blogging every day. I enjoy the outlet, and it's nice to keep you all updated on things around here.

I don't think I mentioned the other day that Chris and Charlotte have an eye appointment on Monday. Apparently, when I was at camp, Charlotte failed her eye exam at her 4 year old check up. I got the notice in the mail that said she has 20/40 vision, so they're sending her to an optometrist to have a more thorough exam. Her original appointment was scheduled for yesterday, but because I know my daughter is most likely going to freak out because it is a new situation for her and new setting, I went ahead and cancelled the appointment and scheduled a new appointment with our family eye doctor. Chris was due for an appointment anyway and that will allow her to see him have it done first, so that it is a little less unfamilliar for her. We'll see. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we don't have major meltdown. Should be a great time!!! Unlike the time that Joshua was having in this picture:

The cause of Joshua's meltdown you ask???? His friend took the tractor and licked it! I suppose that's one way to claim a toy. Far better to lick it than to smack someone with it. Tough life of two year olds...
We were at the park last week and I was able to take some pictures of the kids. I haven't put pictures up in awhile, so here you go!
Whew... like my cutie-patootie son... I'm exhausted!
May you be blessed on your Wednesday (or whatever day you read this!)


Monday, July 13, 2009


I get so many people who tell me they do not know how I do everything that I do. The short answer is I don't. God has given me opportunities to use the very gifts He has given me, and I have been blessed to serve Him in every way I can.

I was reminded of this during my MOPS retreat this weekend. In our curriculum planning for the new year, we were also given a leadership training, and I had the opportunity to view this on Saturday with the amazing women on my team. In short, God is pleased when we use the gifts He has given us in order to serve Him.

I think, as Christians, we are taught to be humble and not proud, and to be very honest I've struggled with that over the past several months as I completed my degree, and did so relatively easy and maintained good grades. Part of me wanted to be pleased with myself for my accomplishments, and part of me knew that I should be humble and not proud. What is the balance there? The answer came this weekend for me. God has given me the talents that I have, and He expects me to use them for His glory. Doing so pleases Him. It would be like me giving you a gift. Do I give it to you so that you can hide it in a closet? Absolutely not. I would want you to be blessed by it, to display it and care for it. The same goes with the gifts God gives us. Those natural talents, abilities and skills, passions and desires are all His gifts to us. We can choose to put them to good use, for His glory, or we can hide them in a closet, ashamed of our natural, God given abilities.

I have recently began to mentor a young lady in our church who desires to sing. She has the God-given talent, but is afraid. In a recent discussion with her, we discussed her fears, and I shared with her the idea that God would want her to share her gift with those around her, and not to let Satan, whom would NOT want her to sing for the glory of her Savior, use her fears for his purposes. Satan would love to see us all hide our gifts in the closet, to protect them from the world, and not use them... ever. He will use whatever tactic works... fear, anger, anxiety, jealousy, pride, etc. And he always does what's easy. He knows what works for you, and for me, and he'll use it every time. For this young lady, it's fear. For me, it was the fear of becoming too prideful.

So, I will be proud of my accomplishments. I work hard for the things that I do, and as long as I realize, and share, that it is not my accomplishments, but rather it is done through an amazing Father, one who loves me despite my fears and failures. He is the King of kings, the Lord of All and I choose to serve Him for all of my days. I pray that you know this Father. The loving, gracious, merciful Father, who sent his Son to die on a cross, a most unfitting death for the King of kings, in order to provide a way for us to spend eternity with the Father in Heaven. If you do not know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, please contact me, or a member of any bible-based church, and we'd love to speak and pray with you.

May you be encouraged to use your gifts that He has given you, in order to glorify God, our Heavenly Father who loves us above all else.


Sunday, July 12, 2009

For those who complain...

I know. I know. I KNOW!!! I haven't updated in forever. I'm sorry. Been a little busy. But you should know that.

The last month has been an amazing whirlwind of activity and excitement, and I'm finally sitting down to blog about it.

I think the two biggest announcements are that I passed my CSET, all three sections!!! Thanks for all of your supportive encouragement you all shared. The second big announcement is that I'm finished with school. For now. I finished up my Bachelor's of Science degree in Education on the 6th of July. I finished my last final that day and am waiting anxiously for the degree conferral and my degree to come in the mail. I'm super excited about it, and am pretty sure that I'm graduating with honors. :) We had a get together at my parents to celebrate and had some great friends come by to say Hi!

The week after our birthdays, I had the opportunity to go to Houseboat camp with our youth group. It was an amazing week, and we had a great group of kids. I lived with 10 teenage girls for a week and never once saw an eye-roll. If you have or know teenage girls, you know how amazing that is. I was able to see some great friends get baptized and saw God work in the kids and in the staff as well. I managed to not get too sunburned (that week), and a great time was had by all.

Charlotte and Joshua's last day of preschool for the summer is tomorrow. With me not working and not having school work to do we really can't justify the expense. I know I'm sad for them (and for myself) and I know they'll miss their teachers, but they'll go back in a few weeks, once school starts back up and I'm subbing again!

We're hoping to go out of town for the weekend in a couple of weeks. We'll see how finances are and if we have the time and can get away. Chris and I haven't done anything as a couple away from the kids for an overnight since before Charlotte was born, and it's about time to get away. I know I could use the refresher, and I'm sure that Chris could as well.

I start back to school in August, for my credential program. This will be done here in town instead of online, so I'm trying to get that worked out and will have to get used to being in a classroom instead of able to do my work anytime I want. I'm excited to get that started and finished, though the current state of affairs in California leaves much to be desired for incoming school teachers. I'm guessing my class will be small... I don't know that there will be many people getting into teaching this year. It's not a pretty picture. I trust that God will provide though and we'll figure it out when that time comes. In the meantime, I'm still applying for jobs, hoping to get an internship, though it's unlikely. God knows what He is doing, and I'm trusting that.

Praying for you all.


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A month?!?

It's been a month since I last blogged... okay, over a month. A month of lots of stuff, and yet not really anything. Mostly life as usual. I am a month closer to graduating. Hard to believe that the 3rd of July will be my last day as an undergraduate student, and I will, on that day (if not before) have completed my work to get my Bachelor's degree. It is exciting and awesome, and terrifying.

I am the first person in our immediate (and extended) family to graduate from college (as far as I know). I am humbled by that. I have the opportunity to leave a legacy and want to make sure that I do it right. Am I showing those who come after me that school is important, and that education is a gift that we should not take lightly, but should persevere to the end, despite the "hiccups" that occur along the way. I married young, and when I did, I promised those around me that I would finish college. And I intended to, at that time. But life came, and hiccup. Two young adults trying to make it in the world, on their own, did not, in my case, allow for me to go to school. Hiccup. Work would come first then school would come at some point down the road. Then Charlotte came, and I started to return to school, but now two young adults and a new baby definitely didn't allow much time, or resources, for school. Hiccup. Then Joshua came too. And school was beckoning me. I knew that I needed to go back, for the promise I made to those I cherish, and for myself and my family. So the search began for a school to attend, and I came across Liberty. I sent for information and fell in love with the idea of a college teaching biblical values that I could attend from home on my own time. I have been so blessed to take courses in general education, psychology, education and bible learning from professors who wrote the textbooks, and who prayed for us and our successes. I am so proud to have been able to complete my studies there, and will miss it, but it is time to move on to more experiences. I am excited to begin Chapman in the fall as a credential student, and am considering the Master's Program as well, but that'll be for later. A HUGE thank you to all of you who have supported me through the last couple of years, (and longer) to get this done. I owe a lot of my success to my wonderful supportive husband who was more than willing to continue to work two jobs and watch the kids on the weekends while I completed homework or various projects. Thank you so much.

I have been coming across a lot of good ideas and inspirational things lately, I'm hoping to start blogging more about those kinds of things, but for now, we'll wait and see. I'm extremely busy right now with the end of this semester, and am hoping that in the next few weeks things will slow down a bit more and I'll have more time.

God Bless!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Alright, since I haven't done this in awhile and it is oh so much fun to air the things that I didn't do... grab a cup of something and a seat and enjoy the show.

Okay, I most certainly did not put off doing my math homework for 3 weeks, until the last possible day that it could be turned in, completely eating up the 1 week extension that was given to everyone because some people were having trouble submitting things.

I did not print out my graduation application for LU this week! And of course, I did not check my degree completion plan like 10 times making sure that I didn't miss something or they didn't change something... because, of course, they would be making changes to my file at 11pm our time (2 am Eastern Time).

I did not just put Charlotte in bed with me this morning to get a few more minutes of sleep while she "read" in bed with me and then finally get out of bed about an hour and a half later. (I really was not sleeping the whole time, we read books and talked about letters and such)

Of course, if I did do that, I absolutely would not blog about it.

I did not sign up Charlotte and Joshua for preschool today starting on Wednesday despite the fact that I currently have no work scheduled for the rest of this week, and honestly contemplate not taking a job and sending them to preschool anyway, just so that I can get some things done around the house and homework!

I also did not put Barney in the movie player tonight instead of putting the kids to bed, just so I could catch up on MckMama's blogs and her Not Me Monday posts.

I'm sure there are hundreds of other moments that I could blog about, but they are escaping me right now. I hope you enjoyed the show! Have a great week!

Monday, March 9, 2009

News on the Homefront...

It's been quite awhile since I blogged and I thought that I'd update you all if you still read this as to what is going on in our lives.

I'll start with myself, since most of the rest of everybody's news revolves around changes in me. I have completed the process to start substitute teaching. I actually had my first subbing job last Tuesday and have worked every day but today since then. I was scheduled to work today, but started feeling ill last night and it continued throughout the night so I called in sick this morning. I have loved it so far. It's been great experience and I am learning a lot about classroom management and keeping kids busy :) So far so good though. I also am finishing up my coursework for my Bachelor's degree. I have four courses I'm finishing this semester, and then 3 that I am taking during the summer. I actually just printed out my "Graduation Application" tonight and filled it out to submit in the next couple of weeks! I will be adding a second major to my degree meaning that I will have a Bachelor of Science degree in both Education and Psychology. I am so thrilled. I have also started researching different options for my credential program. Because of the current education crisis in California, the original plan of me going into a district intern program is not a good idea. I can't foresee school districts hiring a non-credentialed teacher when they are laying off teachers. In the meantime, I will work on getting my teaching credential and substitute teaching where and when I can, gaining experience and networking with schools, increasing my chances of getting hired when I am able to be.
All of that being said, Chris is changing his work hours to 4 days a week at A-1, and the other day he'll be at home with the kids in the morning. We will then have my dad stay with them for the couple hours in the afternoon. I will be working 4 days a week also, having a different day off so that I can finish up my year as the MOPS Co-Coordinator and then also taking care of the other things that pop up in life, (i.e., doctor's appointments, dentist appointments, school stuff, etc.). The rest of the week the kids will be starting preschool in the next few weeks. I am excited for them and they are excited about it. We have found a local christian preschool that is affordable and has open spaces for younger kids. Thankfully they are working with us on taking Joshua since he is not potty trained. They prefer to have them potty trained, but are making exceptions for us. We have been so blessed to have found this preschool and that there are spaces available.
We went to San Francisco a couple of weekends ago. It was a last minute trip down there to visit with Chris' grandparents and to get out of the house for awhile. We ended up going to the Aquarium of the Bay and had a blast. The kids really liked seeing all of the different fish and sharks and such. They got to touch a bat ray (like a sting ray) a leopard shark and some starfish and urchins. There was one bat ray that just kept swimming in circles up near the top of the water so that we could pet it. The kids were troopers through the whole day despite not getting a nap. Toward the end of the day Joshua started getting ornery but wasn't horrible.
Joshua and Charlotte peeking in the peepholes before going into the Aquarium of the Bay.One of the Bat Rays that we got to pet later on the tour.The Leopard Shark that Charlotte got to pet.Joshua "smelling" the flowers... or eating them... not sure which. :)Looking at the Sea Lions out on the pier.

My grandma is coming into town next weekend and I am over-the-moon excited about it! It has been about 2 years since she's been here and we miss her so much. I grew up with her around the corner from our house and I sure miss her now that she's down in Mexico. The last time she was here, Joshua was only 4 months old and Charlotte wasn't quite 2 yet. They both have grown up so much in that two years. My mom and I can't wait for her to see them and get to know them a little more. We have been telling Charlotte about it for a couple of weeks and she is excited too. She'll ask me periodically, "When is great Grammy coming??? Grammy's mommy. Grammy is mommy's mommy." She is too funny. We miss you Grandma and can't wait to see you!

That's about it for now. I'll write more later. I know I keep promising to write sooner, but life gets in the way. I'll try and write again soon!

Heidi and the rest of the Ramey Family!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Thoughts and Life...

Life goes on as normal around here lately. Thus the reason for no real blogging going on around here.

I've started my second to last summer of undergraduate work. I'm so excited to be so close. I keep checking the status report thing that Liberty offers, just to make sure that I haven't made a mistake somewhere and am suddenly missing 20 credits or something. I know, a bit irrational, but it's all so exciting. I'm taking a teaching practicum class this semester, and I have the opportunity to go work in a friend's classroom 4 mornings per week. I'm learning so much, and it's been a lot of fun to get back into the classroom. I am looking at my options for the credential program. I think at this point I am planning on going to a Chapman University which will allow me to get my credential without having to drive an hour each way for classes because it is in Yuba City. I was planning on doing the Project Pipeline program which would allow me to get a job as a district intern teaching math as I work on my credential, but because of the current economic situation in California, I am not sure if that is the best direction to go anymore. I can't see a district jeopardizing their NCLB (No Child Left Behind) status to hire non-credentialed teachers when there may be an influx of credentialed teachers who are being laid off because of budget cuts to education. It's all very up in the air still, but I need to decide what I am going to do in the next couple of months.

Chris has been working on family and friends' computers in the last couple months. I think that he enjoys it and it gives him something to do while he's home for the weekends. I am so proud of him and everything that he accomplishes. I am so thankful that God has given me such a great husband who is willing to do what he can to help out around the house, oftentimes without my needing to ask. He's great about taking Char and Josh into the other room or outside to play while I work on homework over the weekends, and he pitches in around the house too. Thank you husband for all that you do for our family. Thank you Lord for such an amazing husband. I am so blessed.

Charlotte has been up to her usual antics lately. She is talking so much more and getting more and more personality. I went to pick her up from the childcare at the church the other night after my bible study and she started whining, when Gramma Suzie (the childcare director) asked her what was wrong, she started wiping away her imaginary tears and sniffling while she told Suzie that "I'm just so sad. I don't want to go home!" All she needed to do was pretend to faint for her Oscar in the category for most dramatic 3 year old. Then at dinner the other night, she was sitting in her chair and looked at Chris and I and said, "I'm so high!" Not what a mother wants to hear come out of the mouth of her child, no matter what age. Oh she makes me laugh.

Joshua is two. My baby is two! He is trying so hard to be like his sister and is so funny as he does it. He's starting to recognize that letters within words have a name, though most of the time, all of the letters are "o" or "u". He is also starting to recognize some of his colors. His favorites by far are "ello" and "dreen". Everything is either ello or dreen. He's so good-natured and easy going. He takes after Chris in that. It is my prayer that he continues to be so easy as he grows up, and that God would give Chris and I the wisdom to help him grow to be a man who represents God and lives for Him.

We just hooked our alarm system back up. We've had a couple things come up missing from the house and the other day we had a man "casing" our house. He asked what door we use as our front door, and because I'm home alone at night with the little ones, I feel more comfortable with that alarm. The same person who was casing our home came back the next morning and stole about 4 large garbage bags worth of recycling Chris and the guys at his work had collected for recycling. Thankfully the guys were understanding and Chris did give them most of what was left to recycle. It stinks though that it happened, and I hope that it is all over now.

I know that I keep saying this, but I am trying to make a conscious effort to blog more often. So much of the time I really have nothing new to share, so I keep quiet. I'm going to try and change that (not by having more to blog about, but rather to share what I've been learning in life, or share different insights that I've come across lately). So to start that off, I'll share a bit of insight I got last week from my mentor teacher at the elementary school. We are expecting a large tax refund this year and were talking about how we were going to spend it. Chris and I were discussing getting a new HDTV for our living room. However, I got sick a couple weeks ago and ended up going to the emergency room. Long story short, I ended up having a flu bug (the ER doc diagnosed it as a urinary tract infection) and a very large ER bill. We decided that a TV was not a necessity and that we should be adults and pay our bill rather than spend the money elsewhere (i.e., the new tv). Anyway, Renae (my mentor teacher) made a statement about the tv being a weed. When I looked at her, confused, she said, it's a want that isn't necessarily a need. I really liked the idea of needs and weeds in regards to the "stuff" that society feels that we should have. As a christian I need to be thankful for the things that God gives me, and a good steward of the resources that he entrusts to me. So, most of the refund will be going to bills and savings. We are planning on doing some things that are fun with it, though we're not quite sure what those are yet.

That's about all that is new around here. The kids are up from their naps, so I better get back to them and I need to start dinner. I hope that you are all blessed and I will update again soon!

God Bless!

The Rameys

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all of you and your families!

Just a quick update and popping in to say Hi. I've added the Twitter feature to my blog, so you can get bits and pieces of my day. I'm going to try and update it a few times a day, since that's a fun way to keep up with me.

I hope that your Christmas' went well and that you all got a chance to spend some time with family and friends. We're hanging out with Chris while he's off of work. We've enjoyed having him around a lot lately and are getting used to it. Too bad it will change after next week back to normal. *sigh*

Have a great day and be Blessed!
