Monday, December 15, 2008
I'm writing this as I should be preparing for my MOPS meeting tomorrow, but as usual, I'm procrastinating, and popped in here to catch all of you up and check out the comments that people have left. I was disappointed that someone chose to anonymously post some comments that aren't helpful in any way. Wow. I suppose that is your options, or was, as I've changed my settings to no longer allow anonymous settings. My fault for trusting in the first place. Those of you who have put helpful comments, I pray that you know how encouraging they are.
And a big Wahoo! I'm done with school this semester. I will start back on the 12th of January. I did fairly well this semester, though it kicked my behind to get it all done. I'm within 30 units now of getting my B.S. degree (28 units to be exact) and I should be done this summer if everything stays on track. I have two math classes left to take to fulfill my "requirements" the rest is simply elective courses that will probably be made up of education, psychology and theology classes because I learn the most from them. Woo! (Sorry, not much to wow there.)
I went and got the application packet to start substitute teaching today. I'm waiting for them to get back to me, because Sutter County seems to require a Bachelor's degree, where as there is a credential that you can get as a prospective teacher that will allow you to sub with less than that. So I'm waiting to hear if they'll accept me or not. I will be majorly bummed if they won't. It's an insanely expensive and time consuming process to go through to get just a substitute credential. It's slightly more than 200 dollars once you throw in the fingerprinting fees, license fees and other various fees that are associated with the process. My jaw almost hit the floor when I realized that. (WOW!!!) I'm confident however that God will provide the money though, and am trusting that I will be allowed to go where He wants me.
I sincerely want to thank all of you who have supported me over the last year and a half as I've been doing this. All of your encouraging words and helpful advice, offers to help in any way, have been MUCH appreciated and I am so humbled by your kind words and thoughts. I ask that you would continue to pray us through this journey as I'm terrified of what's to come. I've never been afraid before, but the farther I get into the process, and the realization that I will be responsible for students on my own, and the vast amount of responsibility and weight that carries, is feeling slightly overwhelming to me right now. Please continue to offer that up for us. We do so greatly appreciate it.
As for the rest of the family, everyone is doing well. Joshua celebrates his second birthday next week (WOW!). He is talking more and more, and is definitely getting his own opinions. He and Charlotte are beginning to fight more too. It's great fun! Most of the time I let them work it out themselves, however, I do intervene if it goes seriously awry. It's so fun to watch them grow and learn to love each other, and those around them. Charlotte has decided that it is her job to help tuck Joshua in bed each night. The three of us (and daddy when he's home) kneel at the foot of Joshua's bed, we pray and then give kisses all around. Charlotte has been the last to kiss Joshua lately then, she tells him goodnight and shuts off the light and closes the door. It's so sweet. She loves him so much. He lights up in the morning when he sees her too, so I know the feeling is mutual. (Wow!)
Chris is working so hard to provide for our family. I am so humbled by his willingness to continue to work two jobs, even telling me that if I need to take the summer off and finish my school in the fall semester (I'm not going to), that he's willing to continue to work so that I can stay home as long as I want. I'm so blessed. Beyond blessed. I thank the Lord that He has given me such an amazing partner for life. I definitely didn't/don't deserve it. (Wow!)
That's about all from here. I pray that you all have a wonderful Christmas. Spend some time with your loved ones, and know that Christ came for you, because He loves you. Spend some time with Him this season as well. He wants to know you more.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Reflections on Mary...
A 14 year old girl has been chosen to carry the Christ-child. How scared she must have been, yet so full of wonder and hope as well. I was 24 when I had my daughter, and I know how scared I was, I can't imagine being 10 years younger, and having God's Son.
As I sit here now, in my bed, snuggled up in a heated house, I think about Mary traveling on the back of a donkey, 9 months pregnant. I never made it that far with either of my kids, yet I know how miserable those last weeks can be in the comforts of the modern ages, let alone 2000 years ago. Was it cold? Was she having labor pains the whole time she was walking to Bethlehem? Was she excited? Scared? Confident? Confused? Lonely? At peace?
I remember being pregnant with Joshua this time of year and found myself fascinated with Mary. I tried to imagine what she must have been going through feeling the child inside of her as she traveled to Bethlehem. Was she uncomfortable? Or did God spare her that? What was Jesus like to raise? Ha, I imagine he was the quintessential "perfect child" in that he was fully God. The Bible says that he never sinned, and was a pure and spotless lamb. I wonder if that means he never threw his food on the floor, or stayed up half of the night and then was cranky in the morning?
I think I'm going to have to find a study on Mary over the next few weeks. I'm in awe of her strength and faith. To be 14, betrothed, and to know that the child she carried was the Christ-child, yet also know she could be stoned to death for being pregnant before she had been in the marriage bed with her husband. I desire for my heart to beat the same way. To say "Lord, I'm here" whenever He calls for whatever He wants.
May God be with you all this Christmas season. Know that I am praying for each of you to find Him and to be in His will this Christmas. Please join me in welcoming Jesus this Christmas, into your home, into your heart and into every part of your being. Know that He loves you, and desires to become intimate with you.
God Bless You!
Monday, November 24, 2008
We've got a new family member!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Not Me Monday

This is my first Not Me Monday! I came across this idea at MckMomma's blog and I love it. You can check it out by clicking on the button above. ('m hoping this works!)
So here it is. I did not do these things! You can't make me own up to them!
I did not have rice krispy treats for dinner last night since we had a bible study and were not frantically trying to clean house enough so that people would not see how messy it gets.
I did not put on a movie this morning because I wasn't ready to get up with the kids, so I absolutely did not snooze on the couch with them watching the movie!
I did not put off homework again this week, to the weekend, knowing full well it is due Sunday night, then panic because I was running out of time!
I did not cry this morning when I realized that on top of the cold I have, I am now on my period too! (Blah!)
I totally did not just admit that I'm on my period for the whole internet world to read!
I was not secretly glad that none of our regulars were here for bible study last night. I love you all, but I felt like junk!
That's about all my "Not Me's" for today. I'll post more later if I can come up with them. This is fun and I love reading some of the ones out there that you can find on MckMomma's blog!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Choose more...
Any time I tell someone that I'm planning on teaching middle/high school age kids, they tell me I'm crazy. Why is that? I'll tell you why I think it is. I think this world has gotten a hold of the word teenager and twisted it and changed it to be something that many teenagers are not. The world expects teens to do drugs, be disrespectful, skip school, have sex, break laws, have abortions, rebel, curse, and the list goes on and on. I'm not naive enough to say that teens don't do these things. But I, as Kathy did tonight, pose the thought that, perhaps they do these things because that's what we expect out of them. Brian Tracy once said, "Whatever we expect with confidence, becomes our own self-fulfilling prophecy."
Is this what God calls us to though? Did God mean for us to limit our youth and future generations to this type of behavior? I think not. There are tons of examples in the Bible of young people stepping above the expectations of their time to achieve God's will and plan for themselves and the nations around them. Kathy spoke of three people tonight: George, Clara and David. George was an 11 year old who was incredibly proficient in math, and became a surveyor at a young age. At the age of 12 he became ward to his younger brother when his father died. Successful, he ended up becoming the first President of the United States. That's right, George Washington. Clara, was accomplished in dealing with medical care. At a young age, she founded the American Red Cross. David, at the age of 11 went on his first voyage across the oceans. At 12 he was given the position of Captain of the ship. When one of his shipmates challenged him, he took it in stride, and threatened the man with his life if he continued his rebellion. The man never came back up to challenge the David. David Farragut was his name, and he was an Admiral in the US Navy in 1812.
On the way home tonight, I started considering what society expects of me, and what I expect of myself. Is it aligned with what God expects of me? Probably not. The world's expectations of me are far different than God's. Sure, both the world and God expect me to follow the laws, treat others fairly, etc. But the world expects me to look a certain way, listen to a certain music, accept popular culture, and be okay with the rampant sin that exists in this world. God, however, has a very different view. He expects me to trust in Him, believe in Him as my Savior, and turn away from what the world has to say/think. He is my Father and truly wants what is best for me. The world may say that they do, but I know that is only as long as I give something in return.
So, I pose this question... what are your expectations for yourself? For the youth of our society? I was asked tonight, what I would change if I could change anything in the world. My answer to that would be that I would change people's views of the youth. So I'm starting here. Thank you for reading this, and I pray that you would take a minute and get to know a young person around you. To really open yourself up to them, and get to know them. I don't mean just hang out with them once per week, but to really get involved in their life. Check out the things that they are into, see the world from their eyes, because I guarantee you will be changed. There are some amazing young people out there, and I pray that you will have an impact in their greatness.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
What's new in the Ramey Household
Charlotte is the same. She got to spend the night at Grammy's a few weeks ago, which was a first. She absolutely loved it, and is still talking about it. She got to play with Papa and his microphone as he recorded her singing songs. Absolutely adorable! I felt kind of lost without her, as it was weird only having one child to look after and be responsible for. We enjoyed some time together with Aunt Sandra and Uncle Bryan and the cousins at dinner, then had to run by the store, but after that, we just hung out at home and then went to bed. He did get a little time in the morning with me which was nice. Plus he got to sleep in (which meant I got to sleep in), since his sister wasn't there to wake him up.
Joshua's toe healed nicely (I may have mentioned this in the last blog...) He looks mostly normal, though that toe is pointy in one spot for some reason. Unless you look closely you can't really even tell. I can't believe he'll be two in about 2 months. Time flies!
We took our annual trip to Bishop's Pumpkin Farm this past weekend. Charlotte was so excited to be going to the "punka match". She got to play all over the trains, and farm equipment, jump in the hay, pet animals, ride on the hay ride, pick out her very own pumpkin (our requirement was that they had to be able to carry it themselves!), and watch the pig races! Great fun!
That's about it from this neck of the woods. Like I said, there's not much new here. I hope and pray that everyone who reads this is doing well and is happy and healthy. Know that we love you and are praying for you.
Monday, September 29, 2008
6 weeks?!?!?
Joshua's toe is almost healed. It looks much better, and the nail is growing back just fine. I'm so relieved and thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. He just got a hair cut last week and I think it changed him. He's grown up all of a sudden. Even "Gramma" Suzie (the childcare director at church) commented on how big he got all of a sudden. He's also started making all kinds of goofy faces. Cracks me up. He's great. I love this age.
Charlotte is officially a big girl now. She's potty trained!!!! We aren't quite to the overnight stage yet, but we are fully potty trained for the day. Yay!!! That cut my diaper bill in half! I'm so excited to be changing fewer diapers, but she has not gotten the concept of going all at once, so in the hour and 45 minute class today, we made three trips to the bathroom... ugh!
We started a school readiness program today. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet, we'll go another day this week, maybe Wednesday or Thursday. Joshua gets to go too and learn and play while the moms get to visit and help out. It is a parent co-op kind of thing, which is interesting, but we'll see how it goes. It was good to see a friend from my MOPS group there, so there was at least 1 familiar face.
Sandra and Bryan have moved in with us, until they find a place and get settled here. It's exciting to be so close to my niece and nephew, and great to really get to know Sandra and Bryan. When everyone else is in Utah, we would only see them for short times, so it's been great to have them here. Trying at times, but great none the less.
Chris is just getting over bronchitis. He started feeling sick Sunday of last week, and by Wednesday when he went to the doctor, he was diagnosed with bronchitis and the beginning stages of pneumonia. So, he was off all week pretty much since he took Part of Monday evening off, then all of Tuesday through Friday. By Thursday and Friday I was ready to send him back to work. I teased that it would be better for his health for him to go back to work rather than stay home :P
I'm finishing up my first set of classes for this semester. I have this week and next week, then I'm finished with this set. The next grouping I have 4 classes instead of 3, so it'll be a bit more work, but worth it in the end. Then I get to apply for my substitute credentials! I'm terrified and excited at the same time. We're looking at childcare options now for what to do with the kiddos while we're at work. I think right now we're considering finding a preschool/daycare setting 3 days per week and then one of us will be home the other two. We'll get it figured out, but daycare is pricey! We're looking at nearly 800 dollars per month for 3 days per week.
That's about all for now. Will write more soon. (I hope...)
Friday, August 15, 2008
What a week!
What a week we've had. I got back from my retreat, feeling relaxed and energized, and that feeling is pretty much gone now. I realize that it is Friday, and that another weekend is here, but it's been a heck of a week.
On a positive note, my cousin Ricky and his wife Tiffany had their little boy on Wednesday. Steven Matthew was born in the early afternoon. Congratulations Ricky and Tiffany! I'm so excited for you both.
Thursday was a day from hell with Charlotte. She's so ... well.... three. She had a rough day yesterday, and it started in the morning and just continued throughout the day, until she went to bed last night. I fell into bed shortly after her, absolutely exhausted, mentally, physically and emotionally drained from being with her all day. It's days like that, when though I cherish being home with them and the opportunity that has been given to me to stay home, but it's days like that when I'm ready to go back to work. I know I'll have days like that at work too though, so I don't think I'm getting out of anything by escaping to work, but the endless whine has been getting on my nerves lately.
This morning, as I was sitting down to work a bit on my newsletter, the kids were playing with some benches (they're used as end tables, but are really more like barstools) and pushing them around the house. Well, somehow, I didn't see it, Joshua knocked one over on himself, and broke his big toe, nearly severing the tip of it off. Chris said that he could see the bone! (Gross!) We rushed him to the E.R., and they sewed it back on. He should heal perfectly, but we'll have to see. He's not one to wear socks/shoes (he will take his shoes off in the car), so this could be interesting with him having a bandage on his foot. We've got a sock on it right now, but we'll see how he does. I'm not sure what else to do for the poor little guy. He was pretty sad about it all, and screamed while they were numbing it to get the stitches, but as soon as they got it numb, he went to sleep and slept through that whole procedure. Talk about a blessing from God, that they didn't have to fight him over the whole deal. The student nurses were amazed. He goes to see a podiatrist on Monday, then next Saturday will have the stitches out. *sigh* this boy is going to kill me with his adventurous spirit. He's so, boy.
We are going to the State Fair tomorrow. I'm pretty excited about getting to go. It should be fun. Hot. But fun nonetheless. The Doodlebops are coming (for those of you with kids), so we'll see them, and explore all the other fun areas. Joshua is going to be a challenge I have a feeling, because he'll want to run and play, and I'm not sure he'll be able to. May have to come up with some sort of sandle/shoe thing for him. Hmmm... I'll have to think about that.
Anyway, I'll write more later. We see the podiatrist on Monday, so we'll know more after that. Love and hugs to everyone!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Wedding Pictures... so far...
Monday, July 28, 2008
More Pictures
Joshua as Charlotte was getting closer to kissing her brother. I adore this picture.
Charlotte would go sit on Papoo's lap, but Joshua wouldn't. He's still a bit stranger-shy.
This is Papoo and Marilyn's adopted daughter Kim who is getting married the weekend after SuAnne and Jason. I've known her since she was about 12, I can't believe she's getting married!
Utah Trip So far...
Jason, on the phone on the way to Clearfield to see Marilyn and Papoo (Chris' grandpa and his wife). I love this picture of him.
SuAnne in the "thinker" pose, watching Jason on the phone. This is so typical Su.
Joshua in the car on the way to visit Marilyn and Papoo. He was tired.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Reflections on life...
I'm honestly in some sort of funk tonight, and as such, thought I'd blog a bit about my life and the things that are going on.
My good friend Kristina had brain surgery this morning. She went to the optometrist a couple of weeks ago because she had been having a lot of headaches and through several trips to her regular doctor, and no success she figured that she needed new glasses. God had ordained that trip. She was scheduled for an appointment at around 4:30, but was in town and figured she'd give the optometrist's office a call, because she wasn't feeling well and wanted to go home, to see if they could squeeze her in. They did, and the optometrist looked at her and referred her to an opthamologist, immediately. Like she was to go straight to the opthamologist's office. He looked at her and said that there was a major problem and that he was going to refer her to a neurosurgeon. To make a long story somewhat shorter, she had an MRI last Monday, a spinal tap on Friday, and then went in for the results yesterday. While at that appointment, they told her they were not going to let her go home, and that she was going to have surgery last night. That didn't happen afterall and she went in this morning. Thankfully everything is okay and she is recovering now. They removed a tumor from the lower ventricle of her brain and put in a shunt to help with drainage. So she's recovering now and we're thankful that God had her in his hands all along and orchestrated the best care possible for her.
I recently found out that my sister in law is going to make me an aunt again. James Alex is due sometime around Thanksgiving. So that is going to be fun. I've been working hard to get the dresses done in time for SuAnne's wedding (not the sister-in-law who's having the baby) on the 2nd of next month. We leave a week from Friday to head out to Utah for 10 days. I'm ready for a vacation. I'm hoping that we'll have some time to go sightseeing and see somewhere new while we're out there. Should be fun.
I've been reading a blog that has me amazed at this family's strength in trials. Audrey Caroline Blog I love how honest and heartfelt her writing is, and I have laughed and cried along with her. Warning, if you do go read it, take a box of tissues. She has an amazing talent with words and I can't wait to read it when she posts. We have a friend who is going through a similar problem with her pregnancy and I was able to connect the two ladies, and I"m so glad that it has given our friend hope and strength to just read the words that Angie writes. Beautiful.
I wish I had something profound to update you all with. In truth it's just been pretty much every day life around here. Still now potty training. I'm wrapping up my summer classes. I did drop my biology class, because I was essentially failing it and didn't want that ugly mark on my transcript. I learned that you can't fake a biology class, and you certainly can't do it in a shortened time period. So, if I need to take one, it'll have to be over a full semester sometime. We'll see. I think I'm okay without it though. I will have to pick up a single unit somewhere this semester (probably through Yuba College) though, in order to keep on track with substitute teaching this spring. I'm so excited and yet a bit anxious about that. I think it's part of the whole change thing, and knowing that it is something I've worked so long for, and dreamed about for even longer, and it's finally here. It's almost like I'm giving birth for the first time again. I have doubts and questions over whether or not I'm really ready, and if I can do this, and all the what ifs. It's a bit nervewracking, and exciting at the same time. I'm not even sure that I really experienced it like this when I was pregnant with Charlotte, because she really didn't give me that option, arriving so early.
We've been working on Joshua's room this past weekend. (Thanks mom!) I'm totally in love with all that's been done. It's still a work in progress, but you can see what we've done so far. (okay, we've really done more than this, but I forgot to take pictures again today).
I love it! It's so fun and kid friendly. Joshua loves it too. He spent his first night in his room the other night, and I heard him chattering to himself for a good half hour before he went to sleep. I'm sure he was talking to the sheep and the airplane and all of the rest of the characters and things in there. I'll share more pictures when it's done!
I hope this finds everyone well. Know that we love you and are praying for you all.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Bad Heidi...
So not much new here, just life in general. We have a friend who is getting married on Saturday! Yay Heather & Brian! I'm so excited for the both of you and can't wait to share in your special day. Speaking of weddings, we're getting ready to go back out to Utah next month for SuAnne's wedding. I still have to finish both Charlotte and my dress, Charlotte's is going to be easier to finish, but I just haven't done it yet. I just need to put the zipper in and hem the thing, I just haven't done it. I keep telling myself that I have time still, but I know that soon I won't be able to say that. I'll procrastinate like normal and say... maybe tomorrow.
School is going well. I have three rather difficult classes this summer as I'm taking Political Science (Government), Social Psychology and Biology all at the same time and during a shortened time frame. Fun! So that's taking a lot of my time right now. It really will be a vacation when we go out because I finish my last day of school the day after we leave for Utah. Woo! Then I start back again in August at Liberty. I'm getting excited and a bit nervous to be quite honest. It's always been something that's in the future and now it's getting really close, and I can see the end of school for me and being able to be a teacher and have my own classroom and such. Yay!!!
We're still working on potty training Charlotte. We've figured out that she can hold it. And she can hold it lots. We had her diaperless all weekend pretty much (She wore a diaper at naptime and when we went to church Saturday night, and then during bedtimes, and she only peed in the toilet twice with no accidents. Boy can that girl hold it! Ugh! But we're getting somewhere because she did pee in the potty twice. Yay!!!
That's about all that's new here, I just wanted to check in and say Hi! We're all doing well and life is busy as we know it. I'll write again soon.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Busy Bees
I registered for my classes in the last hour, for the fall semester. I will be taking 2 psychology classes (Psychology of Adolescence, and The Exceptional Child) and 4 education classes (2 Instructional Practices classes, one for math and one for reading, and a classroom management class, and a educational philosophy class). I'm actually really looking forward to it. It'll be nice to get classes that are beneficial to my degree and should be really interesting. I figured I should take the classroom management and instructional practices classes before I start substitute teaching in the spring. Perhaps it'll help me be a better substitute teacher, so that I won't have those nightmare classes.
Chris has changed his schedule around a bit. Since many of the guys at the school district wanted to work in the mornings, Chris had to go along with it. They wouldn't let him and another guy work their normal shift. So he is working from 6:00 - 2:30 at the school then from 3:00 - about 7:00 at A-1. It means that he is home earlier, but he's gone all day, without a break in between like he had been getting. About the time we get used to this new schedule he's going to have to go back when school starts again to the working evenings for the school and not getting home until 10:30. We'll figure it out though.
Charlotte's birthday is Saturday. I can't believe that 3 years ago was my baby shower and little did I know that my daughter would be here 3 days later. I've been thinking hard about those hours, days and weeks shortly after her birth, and how hard they were, going back and forth to Sacramento daily, and sometimes a couple times per day. (Thank God gas was cheaper then!) I knew she was in the best place she could be, but it was so unnatural to have a baby and have to leave her behind while you went home. I remember crying the entire way home from Sacramento, and those difficult rides to and from. I am so thankful for the people who were able to help drive back and forth and came to visit during that time. You truly were a blessing to us, more than you know. I am so thankful that the Lord gave us Kerri as Charlotte's nurse the night she was born. My best friend Kati's sister had just recently gotten a job in the NICU at Mercy San Juan, and little did we know that she would be the one who would welcome and hold Charlotte before we would. Thank you Lord that your hand was in that even when we were sure we wouldn't need the NICU, or see Kerri. Lots of memories, of great nurses, laughs at our sweet girl and the joy she brought the nurses, lots of tears shed each time I thought too much or had to leave, worries that something would go wrong, and excitement for each hurdle she cleared. I'm so proud of her each day, and amazed at how she is continuing to defy the "premature baby" status that was given to her because she was born early. I'm happy to report that she's meeting and exceeding the developmental goals for children her age, and though she may be short (hello? Seen her mommy?), she's on track physically as well. Take that brain bleed! You may have scared me 2 days after she was born, but you don't scare me now! My God is bigger! Thank you Lord for your wisdom and guidance as I raise this daughter you've given me. I pray that you will continue to guide me and give me patience as she is strong willed and stubborn. Thank you for the spunk and life you've given her spirit and may she take those gifts you've given her and use them for Your glory!
Joshua is starting to talk more and more. He's got 6 official teeth now! Woo!!! He's almost 18 months old already! Where'd my baby go? He's rough and tumble, full of life, all boy, and such a sweet cuddler when he's tired. He gives me big hugs, tells me he loves me and loves to give slobbery kisses. He knows what he wants, and will do what he can to get it, whether charm the pants off of you, or will throw a full on throw himself on the ground temper tantrum.
That's about all from this end. I'll post more later. We finally got the living room and dining room painted. So I'll try and get pictures tomorrow. I know I've been promising them forever, perhaps I'll do it this time :P
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
It's been nearly forever.
The House: I had grand plans this past weekend to get lots and lots done around the house. Unfortunately God had a different plan and gave us a BEAUTIFUL weekend so I didn't want to get any housework done. We did finish the bathroom (okay, so we still need to caulk the trim and touch up the ceiling). So I can put a done stamp on that one. I've painted the trim in the dining room, but that's about it as far as work on the house goes. I'm frustrated that it's taking so long, but at the same time I want to spend time with my husband when he's home that is not painting or working on the house. Hmmm... guess I'll have to get over that one, or we're never going to get anything done on this place.
We got a kitten! She is super cute and her name is Lina. We have a sort of tradition in our family (thanks Joe!) to name our cats something that begins with the word cat. Joe began it all with Strophic (Catastrophic) and we continued it with Maran (Catamaran) who now lives with my parents, and now we've continued the journey with Lina (Catalina). I was also thinking Clysmic (cataclysmic... you get the idea) but couldn't see my self yelling it when she did something bad. Lina just sounds so much more girly and somewhat normal. (Why am I worried about normal cat names?) I'll post pictures of her one of these days. She's quite the fluffball.
Charlotte: Charlotte will be three in three weeks. She is talking so much more and you can actually understand a lot more now. I"m continually amazed that God is so gracious, and despite her difficult beginning, he has blessed us with a perfectly normal child who is so full of life and spunk. Truly amazing to think of her journey into the world so early and how she struggled for breath on her first days here, now we can't get her to sit down for five minutes. I'm continually humbled by it all.
Joshua: Joshua is working on catching up with his big sister in everything she does. He's so confident and fearless. He was standing on the top of the stepladder we have (it's only two steps, quit freaking out!) and trying to jump up and down. When I told him to get down because he may fall he shook his head at me and told me no! Then a bit later he came out of the hallway with Lina in arms upside down and being squished. Poor kitty. (I'm waiting for Charlotte to put her in the baby stroller and take her "baby" for a walk.) He cracks me up, and is so fond of eating it's not funny. Don't mess with that boy and his food.
Chris: works so hard for this family. I am so proud of him and all that he does. I am so fortunate that he is willing to work so hard for me to be able to go to school and stay home. I keep reminding myself that I need to work hard to make him proud and so that I can get finished so that he can stay home more. After I get my substitute credential, he can quit working for A-1 in the mornings to stay home with the kids while I'm working. Thank you Chris for being the Godly man that you are and I pray that you will be blessed by Him in your work. He has also taken on repairing computers lately. Last year (in 2007) I bought my laptop with our tax return, with the promise that Chris could build his the following year. So all year, he spent hours (and I do mean hours) researching parts and products and all the stuff that goes with it. Finally, we got our tax return this year and he built his computer. I was so looking forward to not having to hear about this part or that program. While we were waiting for it to ship and arrive my laptop died, and after figuring out that he couldn't fix it (it was a motherboard problem under warranty and recall) he sent it out for repair. Fast forward a month or so, laptop is back, new computer is put together and my laptop cord won't work anymore. Here comes the part research again. So part ordered, laptop fixed. Fast forward about another month or so and my parents computer dies. Meanwhile Chris has been working with my dad on several of his computer projects, and casually mentions to my parents that he could build them a better computer than they could get from Wal-Mart for about the same price. So here goes the research again... ugh! Anyway, now that's been bought, put together and he's also worked on Joe's computer and is currently sitting next to me trying to put my laptop together again. (He took it apart about two weeks ago because the cord stopped working again... and now he can't remember for sure how it goes back together :P LOL)
My turn? I finished up the spring semester with Liberty. I registered for some summer classes online and a tv class at Yuba College (so much cheaper than LU, when I don't have financial aid to pay for the classes). I am enjoying a few weeks off between them and yet I'm excited to get back so that I can work some more on getting it all done. I applied for a position with Sutter County Schools last week. There are two part time positions open that have flexible schedules (they're only 10 and 12.5 hours per week) and I hope to hear from them soon. I am no longer watching the Lee kids in the mornings which has been nice to only have my two kids, but it is kind of stressful financially. I am confident though that God won't leave us stranded financially. He has blessed us so much with this house and the things we have to take them away. (Not that he couldn't if it was his plan).
Now that I've written a novel, I'm going to close this post. I will post pictures of the new kitty this week (hopefully) and will write more later.
God Bless!
Monday, May 12, 2008
I hope that everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day. Mine was nice. I got to spend time with the family and the kids were in a really good mood for most of the day. (yeah!) We got our rebate check from the IRS on Friday, then Saturday we got our deposit back from the apartment, so we were able to get a desk for my laptop for the playroom (so that Joshua doesn't keep throwing it off the couch, damaging it even more), a new office chair for both of us, and a couple other little things, as well as do some general shopping, fill up my gas tank, and put some money aside for savings. Plus we still have quite a bit to fund all the stuff in June (birthdays, father's day, etc.) Overall it was a really nice weekend, and we got quite a bit done too.
Not much new to report other than that, Joshua has been diagnosed with the early stages of asthma (his doctor doesn't want to call it that yet because he's so young, we'll see if he grows out of this "reactive airway" issue that he's been having) until then, he's on a nebulizer with one medicine twice daily, and another every 4-6 hours as needed. Plus he gave him claritin to help clear him up and a nasal spray as well. Poor little guy. I feel so bad for him when he gets upset and gets into one of his coughing fits. I know how he feels and it's miserable.
Charlotte is getting smarter and more aware every day. I'm so proud of all that she's learning. She can almost get herself completely dressed (we're working on it) and is getting a little closer to potty training. I think we're going to start really working with her on it soon though. Fun! I'm looking for princess underwear for her, (I've found some, they just didn't have her size), since she likes Cinderella so much I figured that may push her to wear her Cinderella big girl underwear.
That's about all from here. Have a great week! I'll write again when I have more news to share, or I think it's been too long since I wrote last!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
News from the Homefront:
I've had a tooth bothering me for a couple weeks now, but being that I don't have insurance I thought it would go away, well, since it didn't I needed to get it taken care of, so 4 1/2 hours later, almost 300 dollars broke-r, I'm now one tooth less. That's a whole nother story that I'll go into later if you ask about it. Pretty frustrating to have an appointment at 12:45 and not be out of the office until 5:15. Ugh.
I did find out on Monday that I passed my CBEST test. So, as long as I continue to pass all of my classes, I should be able to start substitute teaching next spring. They scale the scores from a 20 - 80 and I scored 70 in both my reading and math and 75 in my writing. I'm pretty proud of myself for that. Not that it was a hard test, but just getting through it the first try and not having to re-do any of it is nice.
Joshua has taken to getting up before the sun recently. I have no idea why he wants up at 6 or 6:30, but he's decided that's his new wake up time. Any suggestions on how to get him to sleep longer? It's difficult to let the other kids sleep when he wants to trample over them and play. Not to mention I'd still like to sleep at that hour.
Monday morning our friends Karyn and Rich finalized the adoption of their sweet little boy Zack. We're so excited for them, and sad that we couldn't have been there to watch, but they know our prayers were with them as they have been all along. Congrats again guys!
We finally finished painting the bath part of the bathroom. I really like it. It's a milk-chocolate brown color (kind of) with white trim. I really like it and I'm excited to see progress in the house. Painting stinks, but it's nice when it's all done. We'll start on the other portion of the bathroom and hopefully get it done this weekend. I'd like to have one room done.
Saturday we help my parents move. I'm so excited for them! Yay for bigger spaces! That's about all for here, I'll write more later. I'm going to go take pictures of the bathroom and I'll post them in a bit.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
We're HOME!!!
Breakfast nook?/More storage since there's not much cabinet space in the kitchen
New appliances! I love having a gas stove!
Our Dining Room. The spot on the wall is the color of paint that we're painting the dining room/living area.
Living room from the hall looking South-East
Living Room from the dining room
We have been so blessed to have been provided this house to take care of. I spoke with the owner's daughter-in-law today and she just asks that we treat it like it's our own. I guaranteed her that we would and thanked her again for trusting us with it. I am amazed at how God worked through my frustration at not getting a different house to provide us with this place. It's another reminder that though we get frustrated when things don't go the way we think they should and we whine and complain, God really has our best interest in mind and has something better for us once we give ourselves over to his plan.
We're going to have a painting party after the first of the month, so get on your grubby clothes and come join us! We have a lot of house to paint, and the sooner we get it done, the sooner we can have a party! We'll probably do it the weekend of the 3/4th (if my parents don't move that weekend!), so mark your calendars!
Speaking of my parents moving, I'm so excited to tell everyone that they've bought a new place! It's in the same park as they were in before, but they are moving a few streets over and getting twice the space! Talk about spreading out! They've got central heat and air now and are going to take the extra fridge we had (we bought one before we knew we were moving to a place that already had one!) and a dishwasher! Talk about moving up in the world! I'm so proud of them, and hope that they enjoy it half as much as we are enjoying ours!
That's all for now! I'll post in the next couple of days more pictures as we get more settled and it's daylight for outside pictures!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Testing, Moving, Working, & Playing
We're moving this weekend, and my house is like 3/4 packed. We've gotten to the "miscellaneous" boxes that really don't go with anything, and some things we can't pack because we're not sure if we'll use them between now and then. As we use stuff and know we won't need it again I'll pack it at that point. We're recruiting help for Saturday, so if you are available for help we'd appreciate it. We're going to pick up the truck at 7 a.m. and then we'll start packing it after it gets here. The more help we can get the faster it will go! I also would like to get someone to watch the kiddos for me so that I don't have to worry about where they are and having to wrangle them as well.
Chris' work is going well. He seems to really enjoy it. I hear all kinds of stories all the time about the guys at work and the pranks they pull on eachother, the fits they throw about "their" things, and so on. The kids and I try to go at least once per week to have dinner with Chris, and I think Chris' co-workers really like seeing us. Charlotte has befriended Randy who seems to get a kick out of her. She drew him a picture the other night. They crack up at Joshua's eating habits, and the amount that he eats. The other day he ate 3 cupcakes at a birthday party we were at. He had his own, shared mine (read: ate most of mine), then went outside and snagged a cupcake from a friend's daughter, who complained loudly, but it was too late, he'd already eaten half of it. The boy is quick, and don't mess with him and his food.
We're so excited about the backyard at the new house. We're looking at getting a swingset/jungle gym thing for it for Charlotte's birthday. We'll see though, they're pretty expensive. Maybe we'll get a few people to chip in to help with that gift instead of getting lots of little toys. We'll see.
I hope that everyone had a good weekend. God Bless!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Sorry it's been so long...
The trip went well, the kids did great on the drive considering they were stuck in their carseats for 12 hours. We were glad to see everyone (with the exception of Chris' sister Colleen, who unfortunately refused to see us but that's a whole nother story), and meet Jason and Alex. My computer died just as we pulled into Salt Lake City, so I didn't have my own computer for doing homework on, but there are 3 others that I could've used. It turns out we think my hard drive died, but we're still able to get things off of it, so we're not sure. Anyway, a new hard drive and a re-install of everything and I'm back as good as new. Chris took out his golf clubs and was able to go golfing with the guys in the family which he enjoyed, and now his dad and brother in laws all are starting up golfing.
We were able to get pictures of all the grandkids, the idea was to get all four of them together in one picture, but since Damion wasn't feeling well, and therefore wasn't cooperating we had to settle for individual pictures and then make a collage of all four of them on the same page. The night before we came home was the worst. After pictures and lunch I took the kids back to the house to get a nap in, and Charlotte got whatever bug Damion had and was throwing up all afternoon, evening, and most of the night. I think we finally got to sleep sometime after 1:00 only to be up 4 hours later to leave to come home. Chris also got some sort of a stomach bug (different than the kids) at the same time, so I was a little panicked as to how we were going to make a journey of 700 miles stopping at every bathroom without going insane. Fortunately though stomachs cleared up and we were able to make it back without any problems on that end.

Now we're packing and getting ready to move. We move in less than 3 weeks and we have a lot to do. The kids enjoyed having a big backyard to play in out in Utah so I know they're going to enjoy having the same at the new house. I'm excited to be able to have people over and have room for everyone.
We went Yard Sale-ing this weekend and got two really good deals. We bought a real wood dresser with attached mirror for 15 dollars, then later found a twin size bed frame, headboard and footboard for 10 dollars. We figured that we'd found our share of good bargains for the day and went to the home show, which was not as impressive as I'd hoped it would be. I think being renters is part of that disappointment, but there just wasn't a lot that interested me this year there. Bummer.
So that's about all of the news from this end. I'll throw a few pictures in from our trip to share.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
We also found out this morning that we did get the house on Pershing. I am so grateful to a friend of mine from our MOPS group that encouraged me to call the lady on the house, even though it wasn't going to be ready until the 20th of April. We are moving into a 3 bedroom 2 bath house, with about a 1/4 acre back yard. The house is mostly hard wood floors, with the exception of the kitchen, bath and family room. There is some cosmetic work to be done, it needs painting and work done in the bathroom (it's fully livable) but we are being allowed to paint it whatever colors/decor we want (with the exception of black) and she is paying for the cost of materials. She has also said that we will work something out in regards to the cost of labor, which probably means taking the cost off of our rent. We're across the street from a peach orchard, and allowed to have as many peaches as we want when they come in bloom. I can't wait as peaches are my favorite fruit. I think once I start seeing them bloom and produce fruit I'll be waiting with baited breath. The house has a brand new fridge, stove, and sink in the kitchen, and a new toilet and sink in the bathroom. That kinda stinks because we just bought a fridge thinking we'd need one in a house that we were going to rent, so we're going to sell ours. We have a 6 month used stainless steel side by side fridge for sale now if anybody knows someone who needs one. We bought it off of Craigslist from someone who used it to decorate houses she was selling, and didn't have any room for it. She had only used it for about 6 months, and most of that was light use just for the contractors/people working on the houses to put their lunches in. I'm sooo excited and can't wait. The owners of the house are also planning on selling the house in the next few years, which is about the same time we're planning on buying, and they're willing to do a lease option with us as well if we are interested in that as the time goes on. It is a little bit of a jump in price, so we are having to buckle down our finances a bit more, but we're also going through Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University, which is teaching us how to better manage our money, so I think we can do it!
On the Financial Peace University thing, I highly recommend it to anyone! I've learned so much in the past three weeks, and am looking forward to the next 10 to get on top of our money management issues and start saving for retirement/college for the kids. I'm excited that we're paying off bills that we haven't been able to in the past, and we're looking forward to getting completely debt free! I want to be able to call into his radio show and yell, "I'm COMPLETELY debt free!!!!" and retire comfortably knowing that my children will have a secure financial future and not have to worry about them getting caught in the same trap that we've been caught in so many times before and have struggled to get out of. It has also strengthened our communication over money. Dave's approach is simple, easy to understand, and if you use the tools he gives you, it works. I've heard nothing but good things about the program in general and am completely satisfied with what I've seen so far. I hope that you will consider it if this is an issue in your life, it's changing ours, and has changed hundreds of others!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
"Getting It"
I've sat down four times over the last two days trying to come up with something that wasn't the same old stuff to write about. Nothing came to me until I was visiting a friend's blog tonight and came across this video. Grab a tissue people, this is inspiring to me.
How does a 13 year old know this?!? After Todd's message this past Sunday at church when he spoke about his own 6 year old hearing from God and now this video I'm amazed that these children "get it" and yet it is so hard sometimes for myself and the adults around me to do the same thing. Can it be as simple as just listening with a childlike faith? I want that kind of trust and belief, yet I struggle so much sometimes and think I'm hearing when in fact I'm making my own decisions and not truly listening to His will in my life. Perhaps that's why we haven't moved yet. I'm making up His will rather than "Letting go and Letting God!" That's so hard to do though when we're programmed and marketed to about leading your own life, making your own decisions, having it all and more, and the "Me First" attitude that is pervading our culture. Why is it that Satan uses the same old tired tricks over and over again and we don't learn? We still fall for them.
Thank you Lord for your message to me tonight. I pray that I will "get it" like this young man did when he went out to put that calf down. Please open my ears so that I may hear You and know what it is You want for me. Amen.
Friday, March 7, 2008
A Deep Breath
Here's the status on the house hunt for those of you following it. We moved our 30 day notice back until the 31st of March, so we have another few weeks. Between the theater next week, then being gone the following week it was too much to try and do it all before we left, plus we had not found a place that fit our needs after being rejected by the one on University. I mentioned our search to a friend at the MOPS meeting on Tuesday and she called me after looking on Craigslist and encouraged me to call on one of the postings. There is a 3 bedroom house for rent that is about 1500 square feet bigger than what we're in now, that is coming up for rent the middle of April. The owner knows about our credit issues and is willing to work with us on that. She is moving to Virginia and wants someone who can take care of the house for her without needing a property management company or having to call someone to fix everything. She is willing to pay for all of the materials for anything that needs to be fixed and will take some off the rent for the labor. We go look at it on Sunday evening, so we'll know more then what needs to be fixed/worked on. I'm excited and a bit petrified because of our previous experience. So we may need to extend our lease here a bit longer if this goes through.
We're getting very excited about our trip coming up. I don't know how much Charlotte understands about the trip, but we're talking about it more and more often, so we'll see how it goes. Joshua is beginning to have issues in his carseat, he yells at me every time I put him in it, but then he's usually okay, so hopefully he'll be okay in the car that whole way. Poor kids... we'll have to let them out at a stop or two if they're awake. I don't know if I mentioned in the last blog or not, but Sandra had her baby at the very end of February, so we have a new niece waiting for us. I can't wait to get my hands on her and love the heck out of both her and her brother. I've been sewing up a storm for Stormie (hehehe...) and need to figure out something for Damien so he doesn't feel neglected. Maybe I'll embroider some fabric panels and make him some balls?!? Or... hmm... I'll figure something out.
Other than that, not much going on around here. I'm off to go jump in the shower so that the kids and I can go do something tonight. We'll go take dinner to daddy tonight thengo figure something out for us to do.
Be Blessed!
Monday, March 3, 2008
Starting and Stopping
We heard back this morning from Trident Property management, it seems that despite jumping through all of the hoops that we did, the owner of the property we were looking at decided that they weren't comfortable renting it to us. I was pretty bummed out about it, and spent the morning driving to all of the other property management places in the area to get their listings, checking the Appeal and Craigslist for a new place. After much thought, and prayer over the last few days we've kind of decided that maybe right now isn't the time for us to move, and we're going to hold off until at least after we get back from Utah. We would have to find a place by this weekend and move this weekend because we have plans next Saturday and are supposed to be out of here by the 16th. So I'll call down to the office tomorrow (or just walk down there) and cancel our 30 day notice for now. I had hoped that it was the right time, but with all of the signs that seem to be pointing to us staying here I think we need to trust that God doesn't want us to go anywhere yet. That's been a hard pill to swallow, but after the fiasco last year with the move before we got to this apartment, I don't want to go somewhere that He doesn't want me to go again. We are going to keep looking, but not with such fervor. We are going to go see a property tomorrow, but I think if we don't like it we're going to back off for awhile. There is another property that I saw this morning from the outside, but it's not available to be shown until later this week. We'll see how it goes between now and then if I want to see another. I sometimes wish that we could just buy a house instead of this darn rental stuff. But alas, our credit is so shot that until we get it back in track and get some money saved up that's just not going to happen. Plus we're still waiting for prices to keep coming down before we're ready to commit to something. We're thinking that when I get my degree and into at least my credential program before that happens. Probably another year and a half or so. I'm hoping by late next year. We'll see though.
I'm also in transition with my classes. I am finishing up three classes this week, and have until the 17th before I start my two new ones. In the meantime I do have one class that overlaps, so I'll take this time to focus on it, and my family and other obligations I have. By now I have almost enough credits to get my A.S. degree in general education, but I would have to pay 100 dollars for it and I'm just not sure that it's worth that. It's not like it will help me in my job once I get my Bachelor's. Besides, it's more or less a piece of paper that says that I've completed 60 credits. I don't think I need a $100 piece of paper to tell me what I already know. And it's not like my employers need it! They'd use it to color on! Pretty color mommy?!? Yes darling... my degree is pretty to color on! The good news is that I currently have 2 A's and 2 B's in my classes. I've finished one of my finals and am getting ready to finish up another class either tonight or tomorrow. The third class I have to take a final in doesn't allow me to take it until at least Thursday, so I'm studying for that one now.
That's it for now. I'll write more later when I have more to update.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Life as we know it.

Being such a big boy during his haircut:
And afterwards riding on the train with Charlotte (who needs her haircut too as you can tell by this picture, we were going to do it today, but it meant waiting another 20 minutes just to have hers done, and all I really want done on hers is her bangs.)
And a cute picture of Charlotte and Bri from last week:
Now Charlotte was leaning over a bit, but she really is that much shorter than Bri. She gets her lack of height from her mommy poor girl.
That's about all that's new from here, I hope everyone's weekend was great and you all stayed dry and warm. May our week be even better and may you all stay safe and healthy.