Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Double Double...

toil and trouble? No, but after a few days of high fevers, coughs, icky noses, green snot, and general crabbiness, the kids went to the doctor (Charlotte calls him Dr. Misameem, it's really Dr. Naseem) this morning and came out with a diagnoses of a double ear infection for Charlotte, and Joshua is working on one. So, we've got antibiotics, and we're resting more comfortably now with some Ibprofen. Actually, both kids are napping right now, which means I can actually get something done. I will have to admit that it's been kind of nice that Charlotte has been losing her voice the last couple days. It's been a lot quieter around here, and her tantrums are much less irritating, although they are more frequent, simply because she doesn't feel good.
School is going well, I'm over halfway done with my current course load. I have 3 1/2 weeks left for the current classes, then I'll start 2 more. I have 2 "A's" and 2 "B's" currently, but that may change as there's quite a bit out that still needs to be graded. We'll see how it goes. I actually have a 99% in my math class. Woo! And I'm 2 weeks ahead of the rest of the class.
Joshua has figured out blowing kisses, so now he blows kisses to everyone. It's super cute because he uses both hands. He's also figured out if he puts his hand in front of his mouth and does the "indian noise" that it makes mommy and sister laugh, so he does that quite a bit now. And he's started dancing. It is HILARIOUS, because he just shakes his head in chicken form, only side to side rather than front to back. If you don't get what I mean, try and keep your chin and forehead parallel and move your head side to side. Haha!! I bet you tried that didn't you?!? I can just picture all of you out there trying that! Thanks for the chuckle!
Anyway, that's about it around here... I'll post more later. Maybe I'll take a picture or two of the sick kids so you can all see how sweet they are when they're sick. I hope this finds everyone well and happy. Valentine's Day is Thursday, but there's no reason you can't spoil those who you love every day of the year. God Bless!


Anonymous said...

I am glad to hear school is going well. Give the babies lots of love from the peeps in Utah. Keep up the hard work and know I love you all and miss you. I can't wait till March when you come visit.
Mom Ramey (Sam)

Anonymous said...

He is doing the Chachka dance! And he hasn't even seen big bird has he?

Hope they feel better soon.


Rich and Karyn Speakman said...

I hope the kiddos are feeling better soon. It's no fun having sick little ones :(